American Kinja Warrior

A Tati-Tutu tête-à-tête?

I'd ask if we could Rastafy this by about 10 percent, but I think the Rastas consider the Roman Catholic Church to be Babylon.

It's like the use of the 40-yard dash at the combine: at best, it provides a measure of a player's straight-line sprinting speed under controlled conditions. Naturally, the time is reported to the one-hundredth of a second and forms the basis for multi-million dollar decisions.


He looks like JC Denton from Deus Ex. As rendered in Deus Ex graphics from 2000.

Drawl of Duty: Brooks Ops II

The Hitler autograph really drives up the value.

I was going to ask for Grays Sports Almanac, but apparently it only covered sports from 1950 to 2000, so yeah, I'll need the time machine too.

Worn-down rock hammer and Bible, hollowed out starting at Exodus, The Shawshank Redemption

In terms of current science, Jupiter is not nearly massive enough to be a star at all. The smallest brown dwarf stars, which are themselves only massive enough to fuse deuterium but not regular hydrogen are at least 13 times the mass of Jupiter. And were still only theoretical when 2010 was written in 1982. But other

Special Assistant to Ms. Lohan

Los Lucky Strikes- ¡Son tostados!

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposi[140 character limit reached]

Yeah, I had just barely noticed that while playing, and definitely filed away browsing the Civilopedia as something to do later. It's a shame it's all kept a bit obscure, unlike some of the Civilopedias of the past, or particularly, SMAC's Datalinks, which is how a video game introduced me to the works of Søren

Alpha Centauri is one of my favorite games ever, so I had high hopes for Beyond Earth. BE has certainly pulled me in to playing a ton of it in the last week, and there's a lot that I'm having fun with, but I agree that there have been many frustrations. I love the setting, like most of the ideas generally, but the

The plan was to give out the raises last season, but GRRM insisted on personally tabulating them using VisiCalc on a TRS-80.

HEY HEY HEY! While you were complaining about paying $1.29 for eight seconds of static, you could have been getting down to THIS. SICK. BEAT.

What about the real breakout star of Game of Thrones? What projects does Ser Pounce have lined up?

A fine distillation of that sweet Valles Marineris sound.

The "Saison Who Mounts the World"