American Kinja Warrior

An issue with a faithful adaptation of The Hot Zone is that it primarily centers around the discovery of the Reston strain of Ebola, which was a very tense story, but one that wrapped up with the finding that the Reston strain basically liquefies several species of monkey, but doesn't cause illness in humans. I

Nectarines are actually the same species as peaches: their fuzz-less skin is the result of a recessive allele traced to a loss-of-function mutant form of the PpeMYB25 gene.

You know, I was doubtful that the Spanish term for brainwash would literally translate as "wash of brain." I mean, that's like linguistics from a Dan Brown novel. But I looked it up, and not only is that right, but the English term is a direct translation of a Chinese phrase, xǐ năo meaning "wash brain."

I always liked the use of product placement in the original Crazy Taxi games (most of the remakes and ports use generic businesses for licensing reasons). Just the thought of your passengers being so anxious to buy KFC or Levi's jeans that they demand to arrive at their stores in the next 15 seconds. If people in real

They could just reuse this:
"You see this? This… is my boomstick! The twelve-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about a hundred and nine, ninety five. It's got a


You know my name but who are you? Just another Englishman who heard too many chansons de geste as a child? Another orphan of a bankrupt culture who thinks he's Charlemagne? Roland? Ogier the Dane?

No, only songs "inspired by" the film Boiler Room, which might include Dire Straits' "Money for Nothing," or perhaps more abstractly, Son Volt's "Sultana," which is about a boiler explosion. (The actual Boiler Room soundtrack is pretty good though- A Tribe Called Quest, Pharoahe Monch, De La Soul)

"The Aztec jaguar warrior was expected to be a fearsome opponent with his arsenal of obsidian blades and his hellish training, but his lack of a space suit proved to be a severe disadvantage on the surface of Mars, and surprisingly, he recorded zero kills."

It's sort of like the CIA/FBI jurisdiction split: Liam Neeson goes abroad to throat punch stereotypical Eastern European gangsters, but for those few that make it to the homeland, that's domestic throat punching not covered by Neeson's charter.

John Hurt says he'll also star in Terry Gilliam's Big Ass Spiders movie, if it ever happens.

"Dwayne States' Rights" and "Dwayne The South Shall Rise Again" didn't test as well with focus audiences on a national level.

You must admit, though, that it brought new meaning to the line, "I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life…."

The same Spanish accent Sean Connery used as Ramírez in Highlander.

RZA of the Wu-Tang, Lord of the Rugged Lands of Shaolin. Their sigil is a gold killer bee swarm on a field of black. Their words are "Cash Rules Everything Around Me."

The natural choice for The Roots is a musical interpretation of Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart.

If you do drugs in outer space, do they give you the sensation of being on Earth, with your feet firmly on the ground?

Chock full o' Nuts?

Yt can be two thyngs!

Leviathan vs. Behemoth vs. Ziz could make for a pretty excellent kaiju movie.