American Kinja Warrior

Bender-1: It's like I always say: "Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver…"

Andy Warhol's Home Alone 2: Lost in an Eight Hour Shot of New York

And, perhaps most notable, when I
laughed my left side was met with a tight pain around my ribs. It
turned out I wasn’t alone in such agonies, as the three other finishers
uttered similar statements, with one of them even claiming he felt
“feverish” for the rest of the day.

The River City Ransom password system was really brutal- it was 3 lines of 11 alphanumeric characters each, case-sensitive, and as @Unexpected Dave notes, there were a couple of letters that could have accents, such that A and A' were different entries, for example. Also, some of the characters were hard to

Resurrected Jesus: I hate to have to break it to you like this, but I was just down in Hades. And I harrowed it. I HARROWED THE HELL OUT OF IT.

"Better stay away from him— He'll rip your lungs out, Jim! I'd like to meet his tailor." is the greatest lyrical non sequitur in music.

My favorite is this bit from "Can't Tell Me Nothing":

AMC now has shows set in the 1770s, 1860s, 1960s, 1980s, and Better Call Saul will even be a period piece set in the first decade of the 2000s. Place your bets for which 90s decade will be the first to be the setting of an AMC show!

"Letterpress loadeth forme?! What meaneth this buggery?!"

They should plant a yew tree in its place. Then he'd have a Taxus, man.

Ethiopia is majority Christian, though as a majority of those are Ethiopian Orthodox, the answer is that yes they know it's Christmas, but, no, they weren't planning on celebrating it until January 7th, by the Gregorian calendar.

Lately, I've been getting into philosophy, like Kierkegaard's F.E.A.R. and Trembling, Schopenhauer's Super Mario World as Will and Representation, Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil….wait, that one works already.

It's most likely that a group of Crusader knights wouldn't even know about the Tetragrammaton, as the Latin Vulgate Bible that would be familiar to them translates it as "Dominus" (Lord) throughout. Even if they did, the question of how to transliterate four Hebrew consonants into the Latin alphabet has no certain

"They're a couple of loose cannons- who are also canons!"


Nope, I think that Mulholland Drive is Hilhurst Ave. The map covers roughly the Silver Lake and Los Feliz neighborhoods.

Marginally less dark timeline!

I remember completing the star caps quest through a combination of finding caps, drinking lots of Sunset Sarsaparilla and playing that "Lucky Horseshoes" game with the robot that gives you the cap quest. If you win, there's a 6% chance the prize is a star cap (with the normal prizes being regular caps or Caravan

Batman v Superman v Wonder Woman v Aquaman v Cyborg Until Halfway Through The Movie When They Put Aside Their Differences And Work As A Team And Then All Of The Preceding Will Be v Lex Luthor And Whoever Is On Lex's Side, We're Still Working That Out

But how can I possibly appreciate the majesty of a bald eagle if I can't hear it make the scream of a red-tailed hawk?