American Kinja Warrior

In the finale, Sonic the African Pygmy Hedgehog defeats Dr. Robotnik by infecting him with Salmonella.

Well,when I was looking for a picture at first, I found this Twitter post from Bryan Fuller that calls it a Double Windsor, but otherwise it could be very hard to tell them apart when worn without seeing them tied, as they both make very large symmetric knots. If you search for "Balthus knot," one of the first images

It's a Double Windsor (or Full Windsor). Confusingly, some sources refer to that knot as a Windsor and the smaller knot that most people identify as a Windsor, that's a Half-Windsor. Either way, the big knot is basically the smaller knot with the wide end wrapped around another time.

Yeah, I haven't seen the pilot, but from what I've read, the story is basically a fictionalization of the Compaq story- three people in Texas reverse engineer an IBM PC to start their own company selling a compatible clone.

"As a senior citizen, you're probably aware of the threat robots pose.
Robots are everywhere, and they eat old people's medicine for fuel."

Of all the wonders of the universe shown in the sublime new Cosmos series, nothing has been quite so astonishing as when in each episode "Executive Producer Seth MacFarlane" pops up in the credits.

Love the part? Fallon's delivery of his handful of lines came dangerously close to making us retroactively lose WWII. Had it been a slightly longer scene, we'd all be speaking German.

Dulce et Eeyore-em est.

Jason Segel as Man With Curious Haircovering

The list had me wondering if there are actually any essays about bounty hunters, or if it was just chosen as a profession that starts with a "b." Because if you really had awesome stories to tell about bounty hunters, the summary should lead with those instead.

Reign of Fire, actually, but yes, for a movie where Matthew McConaughey and Christian Bale slay dragons with tanks and BASE jumping, it is surprisingly lame.

Age of Empires III, set in the colonial/ American Revolution period featured a nearly invincible monster truck. Perhaps as an attempt to be slightly more period-appropriate, it also had a marble bust of George Washington. Well, more accurately a giant marble bust referred to as "George Crushington" that could breathe

"A T-bone steak, cheese eggs and Welch's grape."- Biggie was clearly aware of second breakfast, and possibly elevenses as well.

There's a general increase in scores for August and September from 2009-onward. I seem to remember that those months used to be more of a dumping ground for those big-budget movies which were considered too weak to compete for summer box office. More recently, it seems like there's been more of the well-made but

I fall somewhere in the middle here, personally. I've recently played the Android remakes of FF I and III on my phone, and I largely enjoyed them, though it might help that I had limited exposure to FF I back in the NES days, and had never played the original FF III or any of its more faithful remakes, so I wasn't

Vulcan was the name proposed for a different hypothetical planet which was thought to be between Mercury and the sun (the name Vulcan being chosen since it would be a very hot planet). In the 19th century, there was a small disagreement between calculations of Mercury's orbit and what was actually observed. It was