
I had a back-line restaurant employee who had a tattoo similar to the 'cut here' one shown above. And that wasn't even his worst tat.

Everything that is happening in the world makes me want to flail wildly and yell.

Yea, bro. 2.7 ILLEGAL votes. Sad. Shame.

No matter what your stance on idiotic conspiracy theories, you probably shouldn't go out "investigating" on your own while armed with a rifle.

That book left one impression on me, "boy, these chapters are really, really short!"

I was underwhelmed by Denver International Airport. I didn't see any sneaky NWO people! Not one. :-(

He was a union smashing asshole long before he came out for Trump. He is basically an old-timey businessman bad guy from the early 20th century. He'd totally machine gun striking workers if he could get away with it.

Scrapple is fucking delicious and every shingle shall be shit upon in the Noire house.

BEAST ICE. The only way to go when getting fuckin' hostile in the strippin' pits of rural Pennsylvania. It pairs well with shooting a 12-gauge shotgun at discarded washing machines in the woods and a hardy fistfight that ends in a bro hug. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES FOR MILWAUKEE'S FINEST EXPORT.

Batman v Superman was so goddamn dull.

Paul fucking Newman, son. IT IS KNOWN.

I don't know if it is just how they shoot him in movies now, but the Rock seems to have grown into a literal giant. I mean, don't steroids usually just make you all buff and veiny like Stallone? The Rock seems to have had an almost Incredible-Hulk-like effect from them. Seems like a nice guy tho.

AVC and TIForum ladies actually shamed me out of wearing cargo shorts for the rest of my life. I just can't wear them and be confident anymore.

That stage banter album had to be some kind of dare or joke between record execs, right?

You cats see Trump is already back on the Twitter crying like a babby? Just this morning he was tweeting that the only reason he even lost the states that he did is because he didn't feel like winning them.

That's not a real name, is it? That can't be a real name. Too adorable.

There is no fucking way all of these streaming services are going to be even remotely sustainable. There is so much good television out there that I, and I imagine a lot of pop culture geeks, already feel overwhelmed by it. And I only have HBOGo and Netflix.

That's a horrible story.

I wish some big-money Jew would pay me to fake riot. I have all these bricks and no incentive to throw 'em!

Personally, I was afraid we were going to catch gay and be forced to marry doodz.