
She's awesome. Why wouldn't she be good casting?

This is a non-joking reply. While Cube may earnestly believe the tenets of Islam, I think it has more to do with a phenomenon I witnessed first hand. In keeping with his LA gangsta rap persona, Cube is probably referring more to *cultural* Islamic things that one might pick up in prison. I know people who did

Keeping it kosher, man! (or halal)

See, I just have faith that He does - which, to me, is the basic tenet of my spirituality. It is not rational, and I will admit that. I also don't try to argue or evangelize or think less of people who believe different.

The only way I know this dude's name is how many girls I know on social media, who would probably describe themselves as "party girls," that go to his concerts at amphitheaters during summer tours. Seemingly more as an excuse to get drunk on canned Limeritas whilst wearing plaid shirts tied up to expose the midriff

Ha…holy shit. They should have just fucking went balls out and had Tom Savini do the gore fx for it.

I have a blowtorch and I have no fucking idea why. I inherited at some point in my life from someone. Good if I need to make booby traps, I guess.

Were all comic book store owners old cranks or just the ones at the shops I went to?

He plays, like bars and tiny rooms in rural Pennsylvania on the regular. I can't fathom him being too busy to play the inauguration.

CGI Peter Cushing.

Five months for me. (I'm not good at the math, so I'm not breaking it down.)

I don't know man, I feel like I've been with a lot of women who kiss and lick my collarbones. Perhaps I just date a lot of weirdo bone fetishists.

I wonder how many times Dunham has to do or say provocative and sometimes seemingly (I say seemingly because I think it is intentional) dumb things for people to realize she is stirring shit on purpose. I mean, clearly she is stirring shit with anti-abortion folks, but I think her glibness here is also intentional to

*ahem* Staten Island,

Tim Zahn's books have a lot of good stuff in them. I think I'd rather a "Scoundrels" film than this young Han thing they are doing.

I wish I was still a young Noire so I could lace up the wafflemakers, hit a basement punk show and yell "Oi! Oi! Oi! UP THE PUNKS! SMASH THE STATE!"

Fuck Donald Trump. Fuck his ego and fuck his cabinet and fuck the ideals he represents.

It will just fuel their "righteous" anger at being such oppressed and marginalized white, straight men. Everyone is out to get them!

Wait, anime is part of the Alt Right? I really don't have a full grasp of these people.

Fucking hippies, man.