
Your mom saw the shape of my point last night, ifyouknowwhatimsayin.

It is too bad Mulaney's show was such garbage, as it is probably what a lot of casual comedy fans know him by.

Is the font on this site different?

Hughes is a conservative, gun nut, speed freak, weirdo from the desert. He is not the most enlightened man. Some good jams though.

Kate McKinnon is fucking amazing and Chapelle came off as a smart grownup in a sea of hand wringing and doom saying. I'm not trying to be condescending, as I've been as guilty of catastrophizing as anyone.

I've been watching reruns of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia on Netflix and the animated Clone Wars series as an escape from current events that I've been obsessed with for months.

This is ugly all around. Jesse did make some crazy accusations and part of me can't really blame the Bataclan ownership for resenting that.

Thanks for sharing, Sean.

Thanks for sharing, Sean.

Thanks for sharing, Sean.

Thanks for sharing, Sean.

Thanks for sharing, Sean.

I NEED to know why straws are white privilege.

I bet Steven Tyler is a Trump supporter. Wanting to fuck their own daughters seems like a common theme between them.

Best thing about 80s VHS horror? Checking out all of the cool VHS cover art in the horror section of my neighborhood video store when I was but a wee Noire.

Liv Tyler > Alicia Silverstone (as hot ladies in early-90s Aerosmith videos).

I think it did alright critically. I just seem to personally know a lot of folks who didn't dig it.

Bizarre, terrible and shouty.

I'm one of the few people who really like American Hustle.

Roseanne is great!