
As an alcoholic who destroyed his life and hurt everyone around him through drinking it is hard for me to watch flippant portrayals of alcoholism in film. Especially when the portrayal is done by Kevin Costner for some reason. I know I'm oversensitive about the issue, for obvious reasons.

This old boy is wacked as fuck. Dude got caught stealing a $6 hoagie from a supermarket down the road from where I live back in the day. He had like ten grand on his person. (He is also a more than likely a murderer).

I always pretended to be happy with my Sega Genesis but was actually super jealous of my neighbor's SNES. However, Dreamcast is underrated. Powerstone War was fun as hell.

I had an Obama bumper sticker in '08. It was mostly because I thought he was the bee's knees. If I would have had a brown-paper-bag book cover back then I would have written "PA OBAMA" over and over in fancy cursive on it. Also, to piss off all of the rascists and kind of rib my girlfriend who was a big Hillary

Universal should do it as a fish-out-of-water comedy starring Melissa McCarthy as the Mummy. Who needs to learn how to live…and love…again.

Hey, if middle-class white liberals are the only people that care that Trump literally got caught on tape bragging about committing sexual fucking assault on women and getting away with it because he's famous, than give me some khaki dad shorts, a house in the suburbs and an affinity for 70s pop rock and call me…I

*If said candidate isn't an idiotic fascist with the temperament of a particularly fussy infant. **…or a candidate who is going to take votes away from a qualified person and help tip the scale towards said crybabby manchild who doesn't even have a slight grasp of the constitution.

It's June and Paul and their babby! Wooo HDTGM!

This is the best fucking action movie ever made and if you disagree you are fucking wrong and I am already on my way to your house to fight you.

Why do gamers get SO mad? I can see being angry little nerds *noogies nerd* because you catch some shit from time to time, but when they get pissed they get PISSED. Send the SWAT team to your house and shit.

The only thing that annoys me about fancy beer nerds is when they bring fancy beer to a social gathering at my house - be it a game night, party, holiday family thing…whatever. It's just that I feel bad because I'm not paying $75 a case for "house" beer and people always end up drinking their expensive beer. I

I have hepatitis (the not-contagious kind) from a handle of cheap whiskey a day. I could have trick or treated as a Simpson's character!

Holy shit "A LAD INSANE!" I just got this. JUST NOW, for real.

Oh, Jesus Christ… *shudders*

This is not a tour I would buy tickets for too far in advance.

I don't know much about WW. How does a truth lasso work? When someone is lassoed they just can't lie? Do they just need to be near the truth lasso? Does she, like, choke dudes out and be like "tell me the truth, motherfucker" and they do? And does SHE just know the truth or does the evildoer speak it out loud?

I could google it, but I am lazy. What did ol' Cumberbatch say about autistic people?

If I was a vegetarian for 22 years I think the hardest thing would be choosing which meat to break my diet. I'd probably get so hung up on that that I would remain a vegetarian, for I am neurotic.

I watched the first episode of this and it was total garbage. It was literally like a shot-for-shot remake of the first half of the movie with shittier actors and a lower budget. Why watch that when you could just go watch the real thing?

If a bunch of BLM took over a government building by force, armed themselves with rifles and one of their own caught procuring explosives there would be a lot of dead black people posthaste. Check out what happened to the MOVE organization in West Philly in the 80s and those guys had loud speakers and a compost heap.