
The best thing Moore ever did was direct that Rage Against the Machine video 16 years ago. You know the one…it was the video that had a Wall Street dude holding a sign that read "Trump for President" as some kind of nihilistic joke!

I love that Obama told Trump to stop whining because he hasn't even lost yet. Cocky O is my favorite O.

I like to think he's the kind of dude that waits until he is on the highway during his commutes, cranks his radio up to 11, puts on Rise Above and then screams along.

I truly feel that I'm living in some kind of topsy-turvy alternate reality. Like I accidentally stepped through a dimensional rift going to get my newspaper about 16 months ago. This election. These headlines…what the fuck is this? Is this life? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

I worked for a daily newspaper in the town that segment was filmed in, Wilkes Barre, PA, during the McCain/Palin campaign which brought me to many, many rallies for that crew. Everyone was polite, well behaved and treated me with respect despite my press credentials literally being around my neck. I miss the old days

I'd like to witness David Simon interview Donald Trump. Trump would have to be shackled to the table so he wouldn't flee the room room sobbing, but it would be fucking awesome.

This is the first election cycle where I am absolutely disgusted by the supporters of a candidate. I've disagreed very strongly with candidates and their supporters, even thought them immoral or selfish, but I've never thought "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?" every time I've encountered them like I do with

I went to some scarily spookifying local haunted houses with friends after celebrating my three months sober at the beach. Haunted houses were cool, but the prices keep skyrocketing year after year. One house/cornfield alone was over $60 for two people just to enter. If you want hot chocolate or something? You could

This entire series is like watching a nightmare and is best viewed late at night with the help of some THC or a raging fever. Trying to explain it to someone who hasn't seen it is nearly impossible. Hell, I've seen every movie in the franchise and still couldn't draw up any sort of coherent timeline, which I think is

Trump seems to be hinting that even if he loses the election he is not going to accept the results…which means…? I don't really know exactly. But I imagine we'll be hearing his dumb shit for a long, long time.

Jesus Christ, fuck Donald Trump straight in his orange ass. I can't believe this is even real life.

That's a bad one. He somersaults like 20 feet into the air and just blows apart. Hell, the fire extinguisher was carrying killed someone from the force of impact. The damn thing landed out in the parking lot of the race track.

People who complain about the "if it bleeds it leads" mentality in the media need to recognize one important fact: that is a reflection of the news consumer.

I've worked in ad sales and there is always some "amazing" new bullshit book that they try to make you read.

With a "new" Spidey swinging around in Cap:Civil War are they planning yet another origin story for the web slinger?

I think Sean Hannity has press secretary on lock.

The fact that so many men are ignorant of women's experiences with sexual abuse, harassment, assault and on and on is a sad state of affairs in 2016. I'm glad people are speaking out, bravely and resolutely, to spread awareness. It must be so fucking hard, but if it even helps one person it is worth it.

I hope Clinton just bates him into losing his mind tonight and that's that.

CCR is fucking awesome, to be fair.

All the working-class older guys I knew in the tiny Pennsylvania town I grew up in seemed to really like AC/DC.