
I hope I don't have a terrible PA accent, but I suspect that I do.

My English teacher convinced me to help build sets and shit for the theater club because I didn't have many extracurricular things going on. It didn't get me laid, but it got me a lot of make outs with theater girls at cast parties and in my car after we'd all go out to 24 hour diners post rehearsal. It was pretty

This election might actually be driving me insane.


*waves chainsaw around for some reason, throws up horns*

I like Terrapin Station!

Bowie's Heroes is the first one that came to mind this morning. The way his voice is almost cracking in the latter half of the song and the imagery of kissing "as though nothing could fall" as the guards on the wall shot above their heads… Yea, that works for me.

Just the review for this film upset me. I don't think this is one I will be watching anytime soon.

They should make a movie about the time all the dummies in Boston shut the city down because of Mooninites on light bright toys. Starring Mark Wahlburg. It would be fucking hilarious.

It means poop.

Redhead you say!?

Tom Waits would have made a good wolfman judging by that album cover.


If this motherfucker wins in November we fucking deserve him.

The first time I got to go up in a small plane (REALLY SMALL!) was covering a Young Eagles story. Cool stuff.

I finally got around to watching "Electric Boogaloo," the documentary about Canon Films. The movie and the personalities involved, namely Golan and Globus, are fascinating. If you like b-movies as much as I do, or a great story of a film studio ran by an eccentric dreamer and a snakeoil salesman hustler, the doc is

More discount-store Jessica Chastain in a wife beater and I can dig it.

A woman who sneered at me and referred to me as a breeder every time I would walk past her door on the way to my own just handed me a burned Le Tigre CD out of nowhere about a decade ago. It kindled a really strange friendship between us, I'd say "morning" and she'd say "fuck you, breeder" every single day to the

Higher Learning is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. That is sub-after school special nonsense.

This is really showing my ignorance, but what does shin Godzilla mean? Or is that just a name.