
Summer is the worst. The Heian period Japanese had it right: when they had their poetry-offs to argue about which season was best, it was a two-way debate between Spring and Autumn, the only two seasons where it's even remotely pleasant to go outside!


I'm not thrilled about the trend towards introducing half-steps into console hardware generations (although the New Nintendo 3DS at least gave me the opportunity to correct for my original error of not getting the XL edition), because I have a hard time believing that my PS4 isn't going to wind up being shortchanged

The little touches don't really appear in the NSMB series until the WiiU entry, which really does result in this strange phenomenon where they're objectively excellent games that are crushingly disappointing. It's funny to look at reviews of the series, which almost always rate the games very highly but wind up

I'll never forget how great the music in Megaman 2 and 3 is, if only because I've had it stuck in my head since I was six years old!

We're loving it, although we've been having a harder time finding the opportunities to play for a few hours straight, which a classic CRPG like this kind of demands.

Almost 700, but not quite: we really let some bad things happen to a couple of regions, so our Panic Level score was weaker than it could have been! If only we'd known, maybe we wouldn't have made "Fuck Moscow" our motto for the summer and "Fuck Atlanta" our motto for the autumn!

Yeah, not knowing that everything is going to come down to a complicated formula for an overall score (we were thinking it was "last point wins!") really makes that top tier difficult for a first time through. Congratulations on even being close, though! We were not close, although we felt it was a glorious victory

If only milady hadn't fired up Dragon Age II again last night (or if I'd remembered that I can play off screen…) I would've been there for Mario Kart! So hopefully next month there will at least be 4 players!

You'll get Lothric and Lorian eventually. Stick at it! They have a lot of moves, so it can take a while to figure out how to avoid them all with your particular character while still getting damage in. It will be very satisfying when you bring them down!

Code noted! Looking forward to it!

This is a fantastic write-up that beautifully captures everything that's so great about The Terminator.

I think the best way to describe it is that the drawing is the main control mechanic for a game that remains fundamentally Kirby.

Were you playing original Ocarina or Ocarina 3D? I recently finished a playthrough (my first complete solo Ocarina) on the 3DS and found that the remake effort went a long way towards hiding the game's age and accentuating its strengths. Which is not to say that I don't still like all the other 3D Zelda games better,

New Ace Attorney is out?!?

This is a 100% second-hand opinion, but I've heard really good things about the new Madden from people who had not enjoyed recent instalments.

First: very lively text-formatting in this post!
Second: I wish I had played more of the Persona games so I could appreciate the full force of your analysis here!

Kirby is a pretty rich series, particularly due to its many spinoffs. Canvas Curse and Rainbow Curse are two of my favourite games, and well worth checking out if you have a DS or WiiU, respectively!

It'll primarily be Majora's Maskfor me, with some Divinity: Original Sin with milady if time permits! This post also has some thoughts about Dragon Age and Pandemic Legacy (I babble so much I thought a thorough overview in the introduction might be helpful for people who might want to talk about Dragon Age but don't

The argument in that first paragraph does not hold together well! Michael J. Fox had a successful return to the small screen before The Michael J. Fox show, and the parenthetical at the end of the paragraph is actually a point against the TV/Movie Star dichotomy.