
Thanks! It was very gratifying to know that the same day I was an embarrassingly bad real life golfer I at least got some excellent imaginary golfing done.

I actually have no memories of what the Bomber's Notebook was like in the N64 original (did not play very far or for very long in that one!), so my statement is based mostly on hearing claims in reviews and in Iwata Asks that the notebook had been enhanced.

The Shadow Temple will make up for that with it's CRAZY boss fight!

Spirit Tracks really must be coming for eShop (it's out in Japan at least, if not also Europe, so why wouldn't they bring it here?). I'm pretty psyched, since it's one of the last three holes in my Zelda completion-list and the only one I don't currently have access to!

Tower of Latria is really fantastic. Don't know if you've played Dark Souls 3 yet (and if you haven't and are SPOILER averse, it would be strange to keep reading this), but it has an area modelled on 3-1 that is pretty terrific. The guards manage to somehow be both a bit freakier and more frustrating as opponents than

I'll be telling my gamemates about "give QS the forecast" upgrade when we meet for our second attack at December, just so we can all bemoan the wasted opportunity!

I'm not knowledgeable enough to tell you which of those two is the "better" choice, but for reference I did the Cathedral before the Catacombs on my first playthrough. Very mild map-layout spoilers in the next paragraph.

Yeah, the Bomber's Notebook in the 3DS remake is a fantastically designed quest manager. I never played much of the N64 version, but it seems like it would demand a fresh scribbler on hand to keep track of everything.

100% with you on Breath of the Wild: I'll be giving my first playthrough the full Dark Souls treatment and avoiding any outside information until I've finished and started a new game.

Just think, one day you might be playing Painting 5: Seriously, Son, Don't You Think It's Time You Got Your Own Place? and then slogging through the sequel won't seem so bad!

I'm not sure about Nintendo Power, but Sakurai definitely talks about that in one of the Iwata Asks he participated in (I think it was the one for Kid Icarus Uprising!).

I've watched and helped solve the Water Temple way back in the day on N64 (only the fuzziest of memories, though) and recently did it myself on 3DS.

I wish more game companies had features like Iwata Asks. An Ubi Asks could be fascinating, because I bet there are some serious challenges involved with developing any sort of story or long term plan with their "teams all over the world collaborating" combined with the annualization. I don't even play Assassin's Creed,

They're not very distinctive characters, but almost every second they're "on screen" is artfully dedicated to filling you with contempt for them. It's so, so satisfying to finally kill Hans and feel confident he won't come back!

I just might be able to participate in that!

Federation Force, in addition to being tied to a franchise whose fanbase contains a large subset who loudly and proudly don't buy Nintendo systems, managed to earn itself a year of anti-hype because a lot of people seemed to think that Nintendo was making it instead of a new Metroid game.

I will be pushing forward in Majora's Mask 3D, getting in some Divinity: Original Sin with milady if the opportunity presents itself, and possibly finishing my Pandemic Legacy campaign on Sunday!

Yeah, OoT definitely has a degree of "importance" to it that makes up for some of its shortcomings: along with Mario 64, it basically provides the template for a huge swath of 3D games.

Happy Birthday!!!

You know what's a feature I'm kind of surprised hasn't shown up in a Zelda game? Customized small key designs that are themed to the dungeon you're in! Wouldn't alter the game in the slightest, but given what I've learned about Nintendo's design from binge-reading Iwata Asks interviews, it seems surprising that