
This is even better: the new landlord is letting us in early and we have an overlapping month in both places (yeah, that's actually not great, but I'm looking on the bright side here!) so we're moving all the stuff we want right away in the last weeks of July (mostly media stuff and, for milady, a fuckton of yarn and

I would definitely be into a Mario Golf tourney!

I enjoy that micro-roleplaying stuff, although I can see how it would get tedious for someone who wasn't in to it! I think it helps that my main DM is really good at roleplaying basic townsfolk type NPCs and also often makes adventures that are overdetermined and system-based (he likes to come up with elaborate

Finally took my heroes on the Cliffside Prison adventure I'd been planning for several sessions! It was great fun! It was an interesting challenge, since the dungeon itself was pretty straightforward, with my efforts largely going to sustaining a creepy atmosphere:

But… Mario has wayyy more than two other ongoing series that are nothing like the main games? Also, at this point the main series is really three series (2D sidescrollers, fully 3D platformers, weird fusion of the two).

Mostly, I'll be playing a hearty round of Moving: our new landlord is cool enough to let us start moving in before we actually start our lease in August, so me and milady are really spreading this move out. Official move day will basically entail moving five pieces of furniture. Hurray!

It's a testament to the durability of the formula and Nintendo's willingness to mess around with that formula. If you get to the end of a Zelda game thinking "I want more of that now!" you can pick up another Zelda game and get it. If you get to the end of a Zelda game thinking "that was great, but I could use a

Yeah, plot was not a strong suit of that (fantastic!) game. The characters and their interactions via the relationship system are great, but the main story is basically "there was a war against a dull enemy, which was followed by two other wars against dull enemies."

I think it would still be enjoyable! It has a fantastic turn-based battle system that shouldn't be harmed by having one person make all the decisions! There's a lot of appeal to playing an old-school top-down CRPG with another person on board, but I think a lot of that appeal requires the underlying game to be strong

Yeah, I definitely don't want to pay a significant price for Spirit Tracks, since it doesn't sound great (mainly due to the train stuff… I really enjoyed Phantom Hourglass and its odd touch screen controls). But if I do manage to clear the rest of them, it seems like it would be silly not to! If I can accomplish this

It was really an unpleasant experience, because the bookbag had to be stolen by one of my coworkers… there wasn't much to be done in the absence of someone just spontaneously confessing, and since it could only have been one of a handful of people, I had nagging doubts in the back of my head whenever I spoke to any of

Tomorrow I'm finally—finally!—sending my players into the cliffside prison I'd meant to do the last two sessions before digressing! What will happen? Only time knows the answer to that.

Love Rainbow Curse! And it's predecessor, Canvas Curse. Possibly my two favourite Kirby games.

I agree wholeheartedly about how wonderful it is to hear a man called Walhart the Inexorable repeatedly bellow "I AM INEXORABLE!" just in case we forgot what his name was.

Divinity: Original Sin with milady, D&D with her and her dance troupe, and some Zelda. Pandemic Legacy continues a long hiatus due to scheduling issues.

Yeah, for a game that I heard about via an accusation that it was fetishizing its difficulty, it really does give you plenty of opportunities to regain your life! I think I should have turned on French voices… I'm not thrilled with the English ones.

Haha, yeah, "cruel" was probably hyperbolic on my part. But it definitely seems like a case where some sort of accommodations should have been planned for her!

Wait, the aristocratic party member doesn't get XP for finding ways to cleverly smuggle things to you? That seems cruel!

It's a well known technique among geniuses who appreciate cinema and art that a 2.35:1 aspect ratio increases the EMOTION of a narrative by at least 15%.

Having watched milady play through all the DLC a few times, I can confirm that your expectations are correct: Trespasser is really where it's at. Jaws of Hakkon seems to pretty clearly be an area they hadn't finished in time for launch and figured "well, we'll just charge those suckers for it whenever we get it done!"