
Great story!

I won't be playing much of anything before Sunday—heading back to my family's cottage, solo this time, with an eye on getting some work done away from the distracting clutches of the Internet.

Well, this isn't "What Are You Playing This Weekend?" but I'll answer that anyway:

Everything I've read about the team makes it sound like this was a serious passion project: they had wanted to do a turn-based game since the series began, but reliance on publisher money always forced them to go the Diablo-esque action-RPG route. They do a Kickstarter so they can make the game they want, and it's

Oh man, that one particular merchant is just unbearable! Some of the "overheard NPC" dialogue doesn't bother me so much even with the constant repetition (the soldiers arguing about a dog biting one of them, in particular, didn't get annoying until we spent 20 minutes one time shopping in the barracks and heard it

In the second game, she grabs a polearm-esque weapon from a giant angel, impales the angel with the polearm, and then pole dances on the pole sticking out of the angel for continuous damage.

I haven't played the game, but watching the start of a gameplay video on some site, that "It is the present year…" line really jumped out at me. You've been working on this for years and that's the hook you use to pull us into the story?!

If you have a potential co-op partner, Divinity: Original Sin is a fantastic PC RPG!

While playing that game (edit: I mean DKCR: TF, which makes this non-responsive) with milady, it became a running joke that I reacted to every new level by announcing, "WOW! This level has an incredible song!" about forty seconds in. I wasn't trying to be funny through repetition: I was genuinely blown away again, and

For the latest campaign in which I was a player, I went out on a huge limb and came into a party of people I'd never met on the very first day with a character whose entire personality was based around selfishness and manipulation. It worked out incredibly well, actually: the people who were new to D&D had some

I'll be soldiering on in both Skyward Sword and Divinity: Original Sin. Pandemic Legacy campaign continues its unplanned hiatus (last week got cancelled at the last minute because our players live on two sides of a body of water and a traffic accident plus an infrastructure renewal project put both bridges out at

I really need to get a proper Disqus account so I can attach an avatar! Yet, I suspect that "LittleMac" will be already taken! Hmm.

Yeah, although some of those outside dungeons—time shifting desert and flooded forest—are also fantastic! Plus I really enjoy flying around in the sky.

I would pick up one of those adapters in a minute in order to play Mario Sunshine again! I have a couple of GameCube controllers lying around, but lost my GameCube and games in a breakup long ago (okay, okay… I lost her GameCube and my games).

The Gamecube controller has analog triggers: you can spray more or less water depending on how far you depress the trigger. None of the Wii/WiiU generation controllers have this feature, which might be a contributing factor in the lack of GC virtual console titles.

I can imagine the single-player experience being a bit looser. We're early in the game, but there's this one puzzle (at least, we assume it's a puzzle) that relies on having the two heroes in different caves interacting with different devices. That would definitely be clunkier if you were trying to run it solo. I bet

I must confess that I haven't watched the trailer! I'm guessing that they're promoting a game about mowing down wave upon wave of demons by highlighting the most graphic parts of the Eclipse?

We found the missing soldier very quickly: we had the PC soldier highly optimized for quick searching! Of course, that meant that we immediately lost our optimized searcher guy: I like to think that he assassinated the missing soldier to try and protect the conspiracy, but failed because the Generalist was in the same

Oh, yeah, definitely: this Link and Zelda are childhood friends from the outset. Also, it's one of the games in the series where Zelda herself is a more active character, which is nice. It's also the only Zelda game with the majesty of Groose.

I watched an interview with the man once, where he said that Jim Steinman was unsure about the lyrics to that song because he was worried that it would be asking too much to expect listeners to make the grammatical connection between the noun-phrases and the pronouns in that hook. Meat Loaf convinced him it would be