
If anything, when Zelda does go for a darker tone, it feels all the more sinister because of the bizarre, off-kilter characters inhabiting the world.

Somehow missed out on the announcement of this Berserk game! Not necessarily a genre that is going to capture all the nuance of the source material's narrative, but certainly a genre that will capture the elements of the story that focus on smashing wave after wave of demons with a giant sword!

After spending hours in advance of my last D&D session planning out a fun little three-level dungeon (an ancient prison built into the side of an enormous fault revealed by an earthquake!), me and my players did so much improv and spur of the moment stuff that I wound up ending the session with the earthquake

It really is terrific to see what looks like the reciprocal influence from all the games the Zelda series has influenced flowing through Breath of the Wild. Plus a dollop of "this is what The Legend of Zelda might have felt like if it was created today."

I love the thrill of a good solution!

So, this Civilization board game… super complicated?

I will happily indulge in several E3 highlights when they come out, but for now I'm glad to have a gap in the constant stream of new games I want to play. Because lately:

That's a reductive way to describe an artist whose repertoire is so much more diverse: he's also got 12-minute songs about getting laid!

How about Ging from the anime/manga Hunter X Hunter? An epically deadbeat dad, who goes to enormous lengths to elude his son for 100+ episodes. This includes moments like Gon, his son, finding a recorded message his father left for him, and when he plays it Ging says "Hey, Gon. You probably want to meet me. Well I

Indeed, I utterly failed to recover from it, and Majora's Mask is still one of two console Zelda games I've never beaten.

Okay, that's a relief! I was having flashbacks to the time I forgot to do a proper save in Majora's Mask and then let the battery in my 3DS die and lost a whole REGION's worth of work!

Oh man, I'm not sure if I hope Nintendo somehow sees your post and starts marketing those dioramas, or that I really hope they don't… I would certainly buy a few!

Oh no, please tell me you didn't go a full two hours without saving?!

Grim Fandango, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Pandemic Legacy, and D&D for me! Probably to wildly varying degrees.

That does sound like fun!

Yeah, I know people really hate the "revisit previous areas" part. But that actually included one of my favourite segments, where you swim through a flooded forest! It reminded me of Ovid's description of the Great Flood, which is the part of the Metamorphoses where I realized it was going to be awesome instead of

I'm fairly certain that, if searched thoroughly, Brume Tower should have enough of the [Special Item Whose Name Escapes Me] to take care of all of the Ashen Idols!

Yeah, it's an odd design choice, creating an inverted mimic experience: I was caught off guard the first time I found a real chest!

The trick being to keep your Sideshow Bob stand-in alive long enough to step on the next rake!

Agreed! With The Witcher, you're really just deciding within a framework of "things that the specific character Geralt of Rivia might say in this situation," so as long as you accept the character as he is (so, you're not trying to make him, say, "celibate and polite"! :) ) you'll have a good idea of what he's going