
Ooh, I've been looking for a game me and milady can play together: tell us a bit more about Affordable Space Adventures? Specifically, Wikipedia doesn't give me much info about how the multiplayer works!

Oof, that Warlock sounds like a real pain! Once, a friend of mine's Paladin died because everyone dallied on healing him after a battle. Then, horrified, the Wizard tried to revive him using Animate Dead, which is more of a "zombie servant" spell than a "back to life" spell. I decided that, since he had only been dead

The absurd height and goofy animations of the Dark Souls mimics are the heart of the terror, for me… in theory, the crabwalking ones from the second game should be more uncanny and thus scarier, but for me nothing beats the moment of the thing standing up and revealing itself to be 12 feet tall.

Definitely going to play those levels when you get them up!

You won't be beating it before your actual weekend… at least, if by "it" you meant "the post game content" and not "this first bonus world"…

Our Generalist has Local Pressure, too! Also, Local Connections! We're heading into August tonight…

Whenever anybody asks me how to spec out their character for Dark Souls, I tell them to do whatever they think is cool, because the game is very flexible, but to always pump up Endurance!

Star Fox really makes you work for those optimal mission scores! I haven't gotten anywhere's close to a Gold yet, which partially reflects my divided gaming attention right now and partially reflects the fact that they really want you to master that Arwing and space shooters just aren't my main skill! I'm getting

Man, I'm firing up the DLC for that last one, and I'll be spending my Saturday working through Go with Your Girlfriend to a Wedding for People You've Never Met.


Continuing my Pandemic Legacy campaign after a short hiatus while one of our players ran a training camp for his track team on the other side of this very wide country, pushing forward with my replay of Super Mario Galaxy 2, and, if time permits, firing up Super Mario Maker for the first time in a few weeks and seeing

Super Mario Galaxy 2 for me! Replayed the first one while the girlfriend's mother was in town, hit 120 stars, now I'm on to the sequel!

Have you picked up any lore about what the Profaned Capital is? I have no idea what it's the capital of, why it's considered profaned, etc!

Although, at the same time, wouldn't it be even weirder if Miyazaki said something that wasn't weirdly ambiguous?

I had a bit of experience with both the original and the 64 game, but the expectations that created for me of what the game should be like are entirely fulfilled byZero.

It would be very, very strange if they retired the gameplay style! I mean, From is an offbeat company, but to just put your cash cow out to pasture long before any diminishing returns set in seems odd, unless they have a plan in place to start selling blockbuster numbers of Armored Core or something!

I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean, but if you read the lore for the Tailbone Spear it refers to them as "failed prisoners."

I remember hearing both "this is the last one" and "well, hold on, let's not get crazy, this is a turning point for the series if it continues." No idea if there was a follow up to that second bit. DSIII is definitely capping the trilogy and hinting at what may lay beyond, so I wouldn't bet the farm on it being really

Agreed! So far I think they've avoided that trap, but the trilogy has a real feeling of completion to it that suggests that any Dark Souls 4 would have to really do some new stuff to fulfil the promise of the Age of the Deep Sea or whatever comes next!

Main game! One player flies the Arwing with the Pro Controller, the other one uses the gamepad and cockpit view to man the weapons systems!