
I think the Old Demon King was my favourite!

Thanks! I'm pretty excited! It's not just a job that I love, but a job that perfectly suits my preferred lifestyle, where I only have to be any particular place for about four hours a week, and am otherwise free to do work when I want. I put a lot of value on the freedom to wake up on Wednesday and think "do I want to

I had nearly full Estus and Aldrich down to about 1/3 the first time I discovered that his "giving off flames" form has an arrow attack that keeps chasing you for about 3x as long as the original. That was a very frustrating death!

That's how it went down for me with Lothrian/Lothric, Champion Gundyr, AND the Soul of Cinder! A lot of breathless triumph in that endgame run.

Especially the first of the failed prisoners… the one that's just hugging the wall and screeching? *shudder*

The Soul of Cinder is a lovely capper to the game! When it Gwyns out and the piano comes in to the soundtrack? That's a notably effective nostalgia callback in a game that's packed with nostalgic callbacks!

Isn't it magnificent, though? Once you get the rhythm, and you're locked on so the Dancer is the focus of the camera, it's like a ballet of roll dodges and perfectly timed hits. And her movements are so fluid and majestic!

One of my groups (the one in which I'm a player) is currently playing through Tomb of Horrors, as upscaled to 5e by our DM.

So, weird story: last week I came here early in the morning, eager to get a full, proper post up and engage with the community on my Friday off. But the thread wasn't on the front page! So I looked at the Games section. Nope! No "What Are You Playing This Weekend?" there, either! So I went to the previous week's

Of all the locations in the entire series, Majula is the one where you can really just tell what a nice place it must have been before the Undead Curse came along and ruined everything.

Why on Mira would you want a respite from the absurd, fantastic scatting throughout the wonderful genre mish-mash of the New LA daytime theme?

Seriously! It was quite a drag. And yet, not the worst thing that's happened to a character from the first game.

I suppose I'll find out when I get there!

For everyone else: SPOILERS COMING!

This is subject to change if I wait five minutes and think about it again, but I'll say:

Very well! But slower than yours. We just won our second attempt at June. It was intense. We saw an endgame with exactly one round left, which required us to not only make perfect use of each action on each player's turn, but also pull exactly the right cards: I needed to draw a red on my turn, and we needed the

As someone who, with one exception, has done all his playthroughs sans-shield, I adjusted to Bloodborne quite easily. But adjusting back for Dark Souls 3 turned out to be tricky: I had to relearn how to be an agile, aggressive fighter in the absence of Bloodborne's expanded dodge-moveset!

I know he's not a popular guy, but I'll put a word in for The Pursuer, too!

Affinity is a good feature, but in both the original and this latest one it takes wayyyyy too long to build up!

I don't have the energy or time to make it through that game! I'm at 50 hours right now. I hope I go back and finish it off eventually, though… I really was loving it, but I just don't have that kind of time to devote to a single game when other games keep coming out!