
Yes, that familiar area was amazing! Especially as you gradually start to realize "hey, this is way more than just a reference to that place, isn't it?"

I'm mostly wearing the original mercenary clothes, with the main armor swapped out for the warrior's garb that you get from katana lady at the start. I call the look "desert ronin"!

Couldn't actually read this because it looks like you're referring to things I don't know about yet, but congrats on approaching the end!

Not having played Dark Souls will give you advantages and disadvantages: there are a whole lot of tropes that your brain won't be on the lookout for, so you'll miss warning signs of ambushes and obvious secret areas. On the other hand, your brain won't be pre-programmed for a defensive fighting style (not a Dark Souls

And if you want to look like an elegant badass but not make things easier for yourself at all, have your first character use only the Threaded Cane and do Skill, Endurance, and Health!

Still haven't played more than a few rounds with anything other than the Splash-o-Matic… it just feels so right!

I'm still holding back on designing an actual dungeon for the campaign I'm running: so far everything's taken place in a mangrove forest, so the environs are either "waist deep water surrounded by trees" or "small islands covered in trees." A one room monastery on one island.

I suspect I'll be joining you on that first part this weekend.

"forced" and "meter-less" being the key here! Man, why would you try to write an entire script in poetry when you don't understand the basic principles of how poetry works?

I agree with "ranking it with Lady Maria": as I said above, these evenly matched duels with badass warriors are often my favourite From boss fights. But I'm not sure I agree with "best overall." Hmm.

Dark Souls 2 got a lot of criticism for too many humanoid bosses, but those are often my favourite fights in From games, and The Abyss Watchers were no exception!

I got the hang of killing them pretty quick, but still haven't gotten the hang of not being alarmed by their creepy accelerated footsteps when they're bearing down on you!

Wjolnir was way scarier the first time he emerged from the dark than I would've expected, given that Dark Souls really should have inured me to creepy skeleton imagery by now! It helped, I think, that he opened the first fight I had against him by using his dark cloud move that temporarily obscures him, so I thought I

I don't know how hard she is, but there's a doozy of a boss fight coming up, at least from a creature design/animation perspective!

Miitomo is very fun. I need to get more of my friends on to it, but what I've got so far is enough to divert 10-15 minutes a day. Miifoto is probably the standout part for me.

Ooh, the sort-of follow up to this game, released only in Japan? I had a lot of fun with that on an emulator back in the day.

That's probably your best option for a place to live in the Souls universe: certainly it seems to produce some particularly jovial people!

The one pre-release bit of information I absorbed was the declaration that 3 was the end of the series and the follow-up clarification that that isn't necessarily true, but that things would be different going forward.

Man, the whole tutorial was fairly tough. I lost more against Judex than I did against the first two "real" bosses I found combined! And I can't even blame it on being acclimated to Bloodborne because my typical Dark Souls style is all rolling and aggression with no shields anyway!

Dark Souls 3. What did you expect? Of course, this is in and around an unholy pile of marking, so my progress won't be that fast.