
That hunter is awful. One good thing is that, if you have the stamina, you can pretty much from the lamp to the Hunter fight and just ignore everything on the way (well, maybe kill the spiders that you have to kill to get onto that bridge in the middle of the room, drop off of it, and keep running). Sometimes the

You're very close with Bloodborne, depending on how badly you want to do all the optional areas/DLC (or, I suppose, whether you've done them yet!). Don't lose hope!

You don't need a wall of Dracoliches! You just need to wait until they think they're winning the battle and then BOOM! reinforcements pop up and get a one-hit kill on a poorly placed PC.

Oh man, the one time I beat that trio with my absurd Spell Fencer build was incredibly satisfying. Mostly for the part where we (I used the two NPC summons because no, I can't do this if they're all trying to kill me at once) finished off the two melee guys, surrounded the archer, and then stunlocked him with rotating

Nothing new to report: Xenoblade Chronicles, Super Mario Maker, and Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy for me!

I never understood that story because I just can't imagine Bill Murray giving a shit about the Ghostbusters cartoon.

Yep, I'm right here with you. Won't watch this, am confident it sucks, but will absolutely give props to that for being an excellent joke.

On the one hand: holy moly, you were right, we did not see SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS "zombie apocalypse" coming and now our Quarantine Specialist is scarred!

I'm glad you liked them! I think I was particularly pleased with Peach's Pits.

Haha, well, looks like I didn't get that edit in fast enough! Yeah, there are both quite a few original levels left to go plus a whole lot of remixes of earlier levels!

What? I didn't say anything. Nothing strange about this edit. Playing just as coy as the others.

Be warned: the game doesn't spend too much time explaining itself to the player, and the demo captures that element perfectly!

The first time I played that game was on a giant, old-style projection TV that was well past its—ahem—prime. Puts a whole new level of challenge onto Dark Aether when you just literally can't see anything that's going on! That experience was probably what caused me to need my first pair of glasses.

Super Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles: X, and Pandemic Legacy for me!

Great! I'm going to go play those right now!

I think, in narrative terms, that it makes sense that boss fights lean more towards "humanoid with longsword" in DSII, which is more of a story about humans than about gods and demons like the first game.

I play competitive board games with my girlfriend, but for video games it's all co-op aside from Mario Party and Mario Kart!

3D Mario was definitely a distinct entity from 2D Mario. I find that 3D Land and 3D World are blurring the lines by returning to a style of play that is more similar to the 2D series but incorporates elements (most notably "gameplay in 3D") from the 3D series.

388 comments! I'm painfully late today! Fortunately, not because I had to work on a Friday morning (if I've worked for one thing in my life, it's the right to get up when I want and take days off at random) but because I got a new family doctor at last! I can confirm that my heart still pumps blood at a healthy level

The body language is fantastic! Geralt's tight, coiled up movements would seem silly if everyone had them, but when you see that the rest of the people are more like people it works to emphasize that this man is just fundamentally different from everyone around him. He holds himself like a panther mixed with a man.