
I think I'm the person ThePrederick was referring to as dubbing him such, but I'm not in the least surprised to hear that other people arrived at the name independently! It really does fit! Not just the plot circumstances themselves, but the mix of self-loathing and pride in his position that Blackwall puts forth is

Late to the party!

I think I'll take a chance and surprise her with it today!

To date, eight. And that's eight playthroughs that basically clear out all the quests in the main game and then include Trespasser. One of them includes all three DLC. And six of them did the Deep Roads DLC and Trespasser, while skipping the super-dull Frostback Basins (she only did that once… even an obsessive fan

No time to participate to my usual level, sadly: crunch time for a work project and milady's having (minor) surgery as I type.

Yeah, that's a fascinating novella!

It's neither of those! haha, those are among the Lovecraft stories that are distinctive enough twists on his formula to stand out in the mind.

Well now I feel like a genuine, bonafide speed runner!

Is that an exploit?! I thought I'd solved a riddle: the sublevel gives you two different directions to choose from, and leaping over the blade wall completes the "Triforce of Choice"!

When you get the moving platforms on tracks, make a full speed jump over the wall of chainsaw blades and skip the entire sublevel!

Really! I'm not sure if this is a "I misremembered" thing or a "I somehow missed that feature" thing. But thanks for pointing that out!

It was one of my great Dark Souls thrills the time that I overcame the Gank Squad with my Spell Fencer, but I never felt the urge to repeat the feat on subsequent playthroughs. Let those guys chill in their little cave in peace, I figure.

Oh man, Crown of the Sunken King was brutal for me the first time. I was playing a Spell Fencer build, with a poisoned rapier in one hand and a Staff of Amana in the other, on NG+. All the enemies in that place are magic resistant and poison immune. I am too stubbornly committed to my builds to say "okay, fine, I'll

The DLC will not disappoint! Three of the most aesthetically interesting areas in the game, as well as significantly more off-kilter dungeon design in Crown of the Sunken King (the Sanctum reminds me very strongly of a Lovecraft story where a guy explores an ancient city, but I can't remember the title of the story

Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze is emphatically not the game you're looking for to play with your son! It's very hard and, when your partner dies, they're gone until you reach the next DK barrel. On the one hand, that's great for adding challenge (none of this NSMB "just wait for the respawn" stuff) and for sparing you

DQ3 might be a better execution of the "pure, 'generic' JRPG" feel: you're leading a band of generic heroes that you create, but the game isn't trying to sell you a story so much as a series of things to accomplish as you explore and grow in power.

Reclaimed the World Record on your "Triforce of Choice 1.1" course! I think I beat TheSingingBrakeman's previous record by literal thousandths of a second. I don't know if there's much room left to optimize a speedrun of that one!

I loved that game SO much as a lad. But the last boss was absurdly overpowered, as I recall, and I never wound up finishing it. Glad you're having fun!

Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Super Mario Maker for me! Maybe a little Bloodborne if I'm really responsible and get my Monday lecture planned today.

@jlenoconel:disqus, here's just one of the problems with your argument above.