
There are an awful lot of missing steps in your reasoning here.

As a child, I got choked up by the stirring moment in Final Fantasy where you cross the bridge leaving Coneria for the first time and get a little text description of the burden of the quest on the Light Warriors. So we got there a long-ass time before The Last of Us.

I assumed the baseball cap in question was red and pictured Fred Durst.


Neat! Thanks!

Thanks, man! I really need to learn the ins and outs of this service!

It helps that my girlfriend prefers 2D platforming and is both a knitter and a fibre artist. Didn't take much persuading to get her into Woolly World.

I hope you continue to enjoy my levels! At this point, I think most of the weaker ones I ever uploaded have been culled, so while the remainder might not always be great, they should at least be interesting!

I haven't, but I will, now that I've gotten off my ass and reset my Nintendo Network ID password so that I can use this bookmark feature!

I live in Canada, so Target was just a big empty space in the mall by the time Christmas came by! Although me and my best friend's wife will always have the matching sweaters we bought there to remember it by.

Seriously, though. Either you have children, so obviously you buy the Yarn Amiibo because why would you deny your children such a great little object, or you have no children, so obviously you have the spare money to splurge on the Yarn Amiibo!

I actually can't remember what chapter I'm on, but I think I'm somewhere around you! The story missions are great in that they're pretty much just regular missions for the heroes followed by a new revelation about the grand space opera that humanity seems to just be a footnote in.

That's exactly what I'm going for in this campaign! In the past, I've erred on the side of being too… questy? I'm always sending the heroes from one new place to another. In this game, the base town will always be the base town, and I'll devote some of my free thought time to just daydreaming up things to happen in

Don't worry, the ending will definitely secure you in your disappointment. The DLC that actually ends the story was decent, from what I've seen of milady's countless playthroughs.

Aw, thanks again for the kind words! (Also, he's right folks: my levels are phenomenal, check them out, star liberally, etc!)

For me, Robin married Virion and Morgan became an Archer like his old man!

My all-star unit by the end of that game was Kjelle/Morgan as an invincible married couple who were basically untouchable and could one-shot most enemies.

I looooove playing as Dedede! It's so satisfying when you connect with the Hammer smash, and it's also a blast to get in a room of guys who are dedicated Smash players rather than Nintendo fans per sé and school them with a character that ridiculous.

I don't do a lot of online gaming, so take this with a grain of salt, but I found that Splatoon wasn't really hampered by the lack of voice chat and lobby communications. You can get a surprising amount of communication going using the two vocal cue buttons ("c'mon!" and "booyah!"… what else needs to be said, really?)

Did Woolly World cost less than a standard game? I though I paid slightly more than full price for my copy (because I'm a grown man so obviously I wasn't going to pass up the opportunity for a pack-in Yarn Amiibo).