
I think the worst Kanye West verse ever is his guest verse on "In The Mood" by Talib Kweli, which is close to 100% Kanye in that he produced it. So maybe even 95% Kanye is just not able to shine as an MC.

Okay, let's assume that all that stuff isn't just as bad as it sounds in the documentary, but even worse. As bad as it could possibly be. It still doesn't strike me as amounting to much more than saying "hey, this guy has behaved like a particularly shitty redneck asshole as recently as 15 years ago."

I don't find the idea that he was "trying to hide his identity" to even be a credible conclusion to reach from the fact that he used *67 on two out of three phone calls he made that day.

I'm using a simple heuristic: I don't consider anything Brendan Dassey says during the coercive interrogations or directly afterwards to be credible, so I'm not concerned with wading into the weeds and debating which items from the "confessions" were planted in his head and which ones might have been spontaneous.

I'm not being obtuse. That's him talking to his mother after one of his "confessions." There are also transcripts where he tells his mother all the other obviously false details of the "confessions," at which point her response is almost identical: why didn't you tell me this stuff before?

Yes, I agree, there's all kinds of not-even-remotely credible evidence that they left out of the documentary, including the fact that they didn't show all 4 hours of Brendan Dassey's deeply reliable confession and that they didn't admit that he used *67 on two out of three calls he made to her that day, conclusively

Oh yeah, they included him running his cousin off the road and threatening her and the time he killed a cat to impress his friends, but they omitted the deeply damning towel incident because they wanted to present a whitewashed version of his "character."

I don't remember anybody ever using a racial slur in reference to the President of the United States of America before Barack Obama became Divider in Chief. Way to screw up race relations, Obama!

I was being sarcastic, I promise! Not a single piece of the "excluded" evidence struck me as any more credible or conclusive than anything that was included in the documentary. Some people just really, really want to align themselves with Ken Kratz, I guess.

Sure, you can be wealthy and get away with pretty much anything, but it's hard to go through life suffering from affluenza, and we should have appropriate sympathy for that.

Yeah, I was pretty convinced by the documentary until I learned that one time this redneck opened a door with a towel on.

I like this idea that the USA is a laughing stock on the world stage because of… Barack Obama. The guy whose election was celebrated around the world as a return to relative sanity for American politics.

It's even worse than that, because you hear people say "to believe this, you'd have to think that cops would frame an innocent man and let a guilty man go free" when we're talking about THE SAME COP that already framed the SAME GUY once before and let a guilty man go free, and didn't reverse course when he was told by

I had no intention of implying dishonesty on the part of conservative judges. I meant to say exactly what I said: that a Republican appointed judge is more likely to be unsympathetic to due process claims. I gave as an example Antonin Scalia, who is on the record as believing it is constitutional to proceed with the

I like The Offspring more than I think the author of this Newswire does (I hope that's a modest enough statement that no one thinks I'm defending the "Bumping Trunk" song), but I would definitely hesitate before paying $35 million for their back catalog in 2016.

I don't think that a Republican appointed judge would be fine (I feel very comfortable saying that Richard Posner, a conservative and a Reagan appointee, would not be fine with it at all).

We may differ in our interpretations of his grin, but we are united in our belief of "fuck him."

Ooh, that guy… in the last episode when he's testifying at the appeal and he's still grinning that shit head grin over how much attention he got from the press? Disgusting.

What's my worldview here? Federal judges are political appointees and the parties do wrestle for control of the judiciary in order to advance their agendas. Republicans are the tough-on-crime party, though the Democrats haven't been much better until recent years.

It really is just disgusting. And yet, after watching the first nine episodes, I was not even slightly surprised to learn that that is how Ken Kratz conducts himself.