
Federal judges are political appointees. For the entire history of the United States both major parties have wrestled to control the various level of the judiciary for the purpose of achieving their political agenda, whether that's being tough on crime, ending slavery, or establishing the welfare state.

Man, you are a gimmick account master.

Hey, you realize he has a $350,000 house, right? You may be the person on the high horse about ethical behaviour, but HE is the prize.

Near the end of the trial, the presiding judge agreed to throw out one of the remaining charges—false imprisonment, I think?—because the state had not included any evidence to support the charge (since the only "evidence" they had for it was Dassey's confession).

Maybe I'm cynical, but I think that, for instance, a Federalist Society judge appointed by George W. Bush, a guy who liked to make fun of how he imagined death row inmates would plead with him for a commutation, is a lot more likely to be comfortable with police conduct in this case.

I think the logic can be summed up as "due process is for innocent people."

Does anyone happen to know whether his case is being heard by a Republican appointee? I feel like that will be the determining factor in whether or not the habeas petition succeeds.

So you're saying that he got away with at least four murders? Someone get Ken Kratz on the case!

I know @DrinkingWithSkeletons (okay, Disqus doesn't seem to want to acknowledge the tag there…) is at least semi-ironically with us!

I should have stuck it out! Oh well… around that time I broke up with the girl who owned the game, so I wasn't likely to make it to the end anyways!

Turns out we feel the same about her!

You know what? That's a really cool interpretation! Vivienne still gets no sympathy from me, though.

I never realized those guys were made of corpse parts! Or is it only the ones in the Village after the reveal of the Eldritch Truth?

I don't think I've fully played your original SMW adventure yet, so you can count on a few more stars from me once I get around to completing it! Psyched to here you've got more stuff on the way!

I just have no tolerance for pro-Circle beliefs. And her pro-Circle beliefs essentially amount to "I benefit greatly from the Circle because I'm a good politician, so who cares if some lesser mages feel 'oppressed' just because they literally have to spend their entire lives in servitude and risk being lobotomized if

Help me out here: are these the things in the Nightmare Frontier with the sideways faces? Or something from the DLC? Or some other thing that isn't occurring to me yet?

I'll say this for Iron Bull: terrific voice acting by Freddie Prinze Jr., of all people.

You're right: I've played them! I will keep an eye out for more!

I had levels with a 1:4 stars:plays ratio that, in the one week after Christmas, went to 1:15! I honestly thought the combination of World Records and Christmas Spirit would result in a huge uptick in stars (I give a star to any level that I get the World Record on*) but it was quite the opposite!

Yeah, I knew that thing about the elf-hate origins and thought about not including it in my list of complaints. But I just LOVE complaining about that game! In my defense, I think at this point I've heard every possible dialogue line in the game at least once, and usually more than once. So the inconsistencies in