
It's literally "walk onto a spot that counts as a sightseeing spot and get a big onscreen prompt." Then the… probe info screen for that locale will show that you've found a sightseeing spot. Now a data probe there will generate extra revenue.

Have I gotten a level code out of you yet? Hard to keep track with the variance between Mii names and Disqus avatars. If I haven't, I'd love to try your levels if you wouldn't mind sharing!

Have I already asked you for a level code? So many Miis with different names from Disqus Avatars!

Pro-tip: First, consider doing a sacrificial run to deal with the Ashen Idol.

Me and milady have been plugging away at King's Quest since Playstation+ gave us the first episode for free. We both played various games in the series in our respective youths, and we're both having a great time.

I think those… things outside of Cainhurst might be the most horrifying image in the game.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees the Wonderful 101/Dark Souls connection! I thought it might just be me since I played through them both at the same time.

I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it!

I remember enjoying Super Paper Mario right up to the point where you have to… fight through a dojo of 100 battles or something like that?

Is the character you're talking about SPOILERS Warden Don Draper?

Oh, I know exactly the feeling you're talking about with JRPGs. Never did finish Xenogears.

Don't Starve! I fell off playing that because of Splatoon, and right after the first time I survived through Summer! I must add that to the list of things that I'm just never going to have the time to go back to but really want to.

I think it's:

Did you find a difference between the graphics with 3D off and with 3D on? I remember only enjoying looking at the game in 3D. Admittedly, I am not nearly as educated or discerning as you when it comes to art style!

Xenoblade is definitely pretty comfortable just offhandedly referring to its extremely complex systems and then letting you figure it out. I understand probes now but I only remember to go reconfigure my networks every once in a while.

By all rights, Sera, a cute tomboy lesbian elf Robin Hood with a lower class English accent and a heart of gold, should basically count as the studio pandering to me.

But not as tough as SPOILER the later fight with TWO of the giant invisible bosses (who won't be invisible them, of course, but I don't want to reveal Aava's form to indy2003).

I can't bring myself to not reset when someone dies in Fire Emblem, except for that thief guy in Awakening, who got his own dumb self killed by attacking Chrom before I could recruit him.

Man, I can't believe I haven't gotten around to The Old Hunters yet.

I can't read this because I might play that game some day, but congrats!