
The man is definitely not funny. But he's the host of The Tonight Show, so that doesn't seem like a big deal. He has a lot of fun and produces a lot of content that other people seem to think is fun. He seems grateful for the opportunity to do a job where he gets to do his drama-nerd/class-clown shtick.

Nothing gets me in the Christmas spirit like a stern message reminding me that Hulu is not available in Canada.

Indeed. The P-Switch doors have, shall we say, the potential for extreme abuse and lame troll levels. But they'll be such a fun tool for serious designers who actually want people to have fun!

Nice! Feel free to take inspiration liberally from my "America" level!

Does finishing off a godawful big pile of marking count as a game? Because I'll certainly be playing that. In fact, I don't have time to ramble as much here as I normally do (I know, I know, it's tough… but I promise you twenty discursive paragraphs about Mario when the holidays are over).

Yeah, the education side of my resume qualifies me to… be a librarian, I guess. But I don't know anything about being a librarian!

It's just incredible, isn't it? I've killed hours just climbing to a peak, spotting something gorgeous on the horizon, and then running to that thing and climbing to another peak.


Yeah, they set up a brilliant idea and didn't really stick the landing. I just decided that I was happy with a downbeat ending and didn't bother pretending to fall for the villain's plot just to get the "true" ending.

Noted! Thanks.

Yeah, I tend to just put those "hunt a tyrant" missions on my list and then not think about them. Now and then I see if my aimless wanderings have me close to one of the targets. If I'm close, I go wax the motherfucker!

I'm a Psycorruptor right now, aka Class With the Coolest Name!

Yeah, they really fucked up a nearly perfect idea by having the "true" ending be the one where you fall for the villain's plot like a sucker. But I just ignored the fuck out of that. Got the "break the cycle" ending, enjoyed the somewhat downbeat conclusion, and never touched the thing again.

I did not! But maybe I'll try and find it later if I get a chance.

*blushes*. Thanks, man. Having a very small but invested public (at least four people play my levels regularly!) is a great motivator to keep working on new stuff. There will be more levels at some point soon!

That said, I appreciate the well wishes! I really do hope they can work something out for me, because I love doing the job and just won't be able to for much longer.

Oh, there's no tenure in my future: I don't even have a doctorate, or any real qualifications for the job besides "being really fucking good at it."

Well, those were more literal than I was expecting!

I enjoyed your airship level! Wasn't too hectic by my count (although, to be fair, I'm really fucking good at Mario!). I'll definitely keep trying your stages as you get them up.

Obviously, I have a similar problem with difficulty balancing, but I've found that the biggest level design challenge of all is puzzles. I have not done very many, and it's just impossible to judge whether people are going to perceive the clues you're putting in there. And my girlfriend hates to feel uncertain for