
How do you revive fallen teammates? That's one thing I haven't been able to figure out, even with reading a few forum threads.

New gear becomes available whenever you level up a manufacturer!

Another Enforcer, here!

You accidentally typed "Worst/" in front of your very accurate lauding of Xenoblade Chronicles' soundtrack, my friend!

Aw man, I set a self-motivation rule for myself that every day I don't get work done on a Dark Souls essay I've been procrastinating on all semester I'll add one day after the DSIII release before I actually play it. It's sort of working, but I shouldn't have been so strict with myself: I'm already almost waiting a

To each their own (and I'm repeating myself a lot in this thread!), but I think the story is magnificent. Not because there's something waiting for you if you hammer through the tedious loop waiting for the characters to figure it out for themselves, but because once you figure out what's going on you can break the

Ooh, I said this already in a separate reply, but I think the correct way to play is to consider the "break the cycle" ending to be the true ending and to put the game down once you've figured it out.

People complain about the padding, but I'll say this in addition to what @disqus_jc0YTPDJYw:disqus said:Bravely Default is the JRPG Bioshock, only it sticks the landing better. You are not obliged to run through a tedious loop again and again because the fairy tells you to.

My girlfriend's a librarian and it was just like that: tough to get in, but now she makes wayyyy more money than me (because I'm an adjunct lecturer, not because librarians aren't kind of wildly underpaid for the amount of education they need) and has great benefits and finds her job very rewarding.

Congratulations! I have an MLIS, myself. Did you learn anything about libraries in the program? After swearing to myself that I was going to be practical and focus on getting a stable public-service career going, I went and got involved in research, took a thesis option, picked electives that had nothing to do with

Are you loving Xenoblade Chronicles X? I am loving that game.

To be honest, I was never going likely to get that in to Fallout 4. But I tried it and felt a bit underwhelmed. I didn't get very far, though. I'm more of an early-series fan. I don't have anything intelligent to add.

It'll be Xenoblade Chronicles X and Super Mario Maker for me (it feels weird to abandon APA style here, but I've come to realize it probably reads better to do the titles in bold!).

Even "FLIGHT OF BIGFACE," which is very brief (about 40-50 game seconds, max!) and which came together remarkably fast, still took me three or four hours. And those hours just flew by! I looked up and the evening was gone. It's so easy to get lost in the work.

My girlfriend is a wonderful woman, in that she didn't kick me out of bed when I broke off an intimate moment to laugh loudly and then reveal that I'd been doing pre-design work on a Mario level in my head. To be fair, I'm sure it's all even when you consider that there are probably occasions that she's pretending I'm

Do you have some levels up? Share a code, I'd love to check them out!

In both of the modern Fallout games I've played (3 and 4, neither for very long), I find the plethora of sidequests to be a weird distraction from what should be a very urgent task for my character.

Ornstein and Smough are the halfway point, I'd say. Or at least, the halfway point if you're a seasoned player. Probably a first-time playthrough is going to get to them after putting in two-thirds of the total playtime, just because you spend so much time getting slaughtered by hollow chumps in Undead Burg and Undead

Watched milady play some of it and had the exact same impression as you. Really cool concept, appealing graphics, better interface than the Telltale games, but OH MY GAWWWWD, like, stop talking like that, you damned kids, the way you talk is not on fleek at all.

Mario Maker and hopefully Xenoblade Chronicles: X for me. The Old Hunters if I'm unable to secure a copy of Xenoblade.