
Yeah, I was in the middle of clicking post when I realized "the comments are already going to have thoroughly discussed this angle, there's no call for me to make this dumb joke." But I'm an honest man, so I left my kicking of a dead horse for the historical record.

I suppose once you've really done the work to turn yourself into an r/FatPeopleHate-contributing pile of garbage, there's almost nothing you could do with yourself afterwards that wouldn't count as self-improvement.

You know who I bet would have thought-provoking, well-reasoned reactions to this game?

This might be one of my all-time favourite deployments of this meme, and not just because it's using my words.

Hey, I have nothing against basement or garage dwellers generally, until they band together in internet forums to puff themselves up by putting other people down.

Yeah, I only did it one time, and it was not the kind of experience that improved my day, even in a "ha, at least I know I'm better than these people" way.

Oh, absolutely. There is definitely a subsection of people who, whether or not they harbour some racist views, just think that authority figures should be allowed to kick the shit out of kids generally.

My friend, I sadly believe that. It's especially a shame because, as I recall, you're a solidly built guy! You could just smash those skinny assholes!

Holy moly, have you ever taken the time to really wallow in one of those r/FatPeopleHate threads? I can't imagine what kind of person you would have to be to actively seek something like that out (for non-anthropological reasons), let alone become a fixture of that community.

I would amend that to say "Many of them see a black person, or at least a Hispanic or a poor white person, and certainly never their own children getting choked while saying they can't breathe or being flung across a classroom as just punishment for not obeying authority without question.

The first one is basically a tech demo. I wish we'd skipped straight to the sequel.

I'll be makin' Mario and finishing off my playthrough of Super Mario RPG!

Exactly my experience.

Aw man, my girlfriend usually takes care of downloading all the free games! Rocket League is definitely on the list of things that I know I should check out but am nervous to because I'm not sure I have the time for a full-blown competitive obsession right now!

Rocket League is on PS4?!?

Minor nitpick: I don't think the Lesser Amygdala's hand crushes you. I think it's just frenzy that kills you. It's just curious and wants to take a look at you! I don't know if it even realizes that its gaze is destroying your brain.

I don't understand how, but the first time I played through Dark Souls I completed the Tomb of the Giants without ever realizing that there were light sources available. When I learned about the Skull Lantern on replay I was shocked to realize that I'd cleared this entire place by inching forward with about a one foot

I love Dark Souls (and all its related games) to a probably obnoxious degree, but I'm also put off by the "Cross Fit" style fans. I mean, I'm happy that they're happy, but on the occasion when I do initiate a conversation about Dark Souls, it really isn't to start a circle jerk where we congratulate ourselves for

Some of the Lesser Amygdala's also seem malevolent, but then there are the ones that just seem to want to take a look at you. Do they even realize that their gaze is destroying your brain? They put you back down otherwise unharmed when they're done.

For me it was the hydra-brain parasite guy in the mill at the Forbidden Woods.