
@spacecop:disqus's basically got it. You get in tight, you keep circling around to her right, and you just smash her as fast as you possibly can. When she breaks out the lasers, you just need to realize when they're about to launch and dash out of the way.

I've had a PS4 for almost a year now and the only thing I've played other than Bloodborne on it was Scholar of the First Sin.

They could do that, but I'd personally prefer if they never, ever did do that.

Your take on NSMBU is pretty much exactly mine. If it had been the first in the series I think it would be held in much better regard in general.

Haha, if you went digging for a long, long time in old Gameological threads, you'd find a few instances of me describing that exact Zelda cycle! Often for the purpose of making the exact point that everyone is eventually going to admit that Skyward Sword was great.

That's a very good point!

That is one of the worst things about the New Super Mario Bros. games. NSMBU can at least claim to have tried to add a little bit more personality to the worlds (World 2 is still a desert, but it's an ice cream desert or something like that?) but it just doesn't compare to either SMB3 or SMW in that regard. (Or in

I'll weigh in on the "how much theming should there be to the levels in Mario?" debate with the sort of answer I always give: I'm glad that many different approaches exist within the series!

Haha, this is exactly what I figured was going on when I started playing your levels!

He does not! He simply accurately characterizes the excellent job you're doing.

Thank you for both the kind words and insightful criticisms! I might have to upload a second draft of that one. Like I said, it was very tough to balance on account of knowing where all the hidden things to avoid are!

It doesn't help me that I'm biking everywhere lately! Even on the "warmer" days this month I'm generating my own wind chill! The minute I step inside my destination I'm sweltering because my bike gear involves so many layers!

Okay, I'll get the ball rolling! I've started making speed-run obstacle courses, where for the most part you can only die by running out of time or falling down holes.

It'll be Mario Maker, Mario RPG, and Yoshi's Woolly World for me!


For all of XBox1's failed attempts to dominate the living room and all the processing power of the other two consoles, it's moments where my girlfriend and I finish watching something on Netflix, I close the application and launch a game I want to play with a few quick touchscreen presses and then flip the TV over to

The Wii U has a monster back catalogue! You're going to have a great time.

I am also quite a fan of the fact that it's the easiest universal remote I've ever configured and, because it needs to go on its charger, the easiest TV remote I've ever had to locate.

I want Nintendo to hire From Software to develop a Soulsesque sequel to Adventure of Link.

Oh, it definitely sounds like a crummy deviation from the series' formula! No argument there. Although emphasizing the "ziplash" in the title is at least a bit of a nod towards the fact that it's a game about swinging around.