
Glad to hear you're falling in love with the oft-unfairly-maligned Dark Souls 2!

I played a bit of Grow Home a couple weeks ago and it was delightful for all the reasons you just identified. And then Mario Maker came out and I got access to Demon's Souls at the same time…

Live-a-Live! I loved that game so much! Replaying it is one of the items on my magical list of things to do (it's magical because it has the property of only getting longer, never shorter…).

I dearly loved the Dragon Quest games as a lad (or, as we called them then, Dragon Warrior.

Your loved ones will appreciate if you go a bit further than just an occasional rinse, hygiene-wise!

I am definitely going to try your level this weekend (and probably some of your other levels!).

Seriously. I live in Canada, a somewhat more merciful country. In a sense, I'm remarkably successful: I moved out of my parents' home in my early twenties and have stayed out for quite some time, while managing to get three degrees with no debt, building a small savings, and generally staying above the poverty line.

Can't go wrong with Uzumaki, unless for some reason you don't want your brain to be filled to its limit with uncanny, horrifying imagery that you can never unsee!

Ascension is a great time. I spent a summer playing it with a couple of roommates,one of whom was already experienced at the game and had an infuriating Enlightened card based turn-extending strategy that would result in him winning massively while getting to take five minute turns with a smug (but earned!) grin on

I'm not even going to bother reading this. Tug of War is great. Pipes of Peace, not so much. This is known.

It's trendy to proclaim Dark Souls 2 an abomination that destroyed everything good about the series and introduced nothing of value (based on the sound critical method of checking the credits and realizing the same guy wasn't director), but Bloodborne would benefit hugely from having an item like the soul vessel

I think we actually found that out in season 1!

The more you know! I wonder if I forgot about that feature if never even discovered it…

That 85 character limit is strange because if you post further comments you get a 400 character limit!

Oh, I can provide some guidance there… the ultimate goal is to take a right at the end of the first passage (where the mine carts with the exploding balls arrive and there are two miners), go down a tunnel that's full of miners, and then go through a clumsier version of the standard From "drop into a deep pit and hit

If I could show the same dedication to some meaningful craft that I've shown to the precise control of a fictional Italian plumber, I could probably change the world!

See, I don't even think that was a thing in NSMB, although to be fair, I haven't put nearly as much time in on those games as I have on the earlier titles. I feel like it's a new-for-Mario Maker feature. I suppose I could easily double check that, but I'll leave it as an unsupported assertion!

Stonefang Tunnel? Let me think… it's just kind of a pain! You need to go into the first building and take the ground level path… but you might also need to take the elevator up to the top floor? There are definitely switches you need to pull. This is less helpful than I'd like it to be! Finding the Armor Spider was

I need to have more of an approach. So far I come up with a basic idea "what if there were a bunch of pyramid shapes?" "what if it was a sky level and it's really long?" "what if the whole level is a giant chain jump?" and then I slap it together!

From even do a great job iterating within games. I was disappointed at first with the quantity of "large armored humanoid" bosses in Dark Souls II, but once you've spent enough time with the game you start to appreciate the little differences between them in both fighting style and backstory. The Pursuer, Fume Knight,