
Oh, no doubt! It's absolutely the excessive challenge that holds me back, star-wise! I think I can claim to not have any "cheap" difficulty: I'm not piling lakitus just outside of visual range or hiding invisible blocks, but the clearance rates on my levels are miniscule, even for the ones that people seem to try a

It really is an incredible tool! The seamless switching between playtesting and building really eases the process for the indecision plagued like me.

I don't know if I'd go as far as you, but it really is just a masterwork of "retro" game design. Instead of playing on nostalgia or just copying one game, it really shows a deep understanding of the appeal of so many NES classics. Add in a willingness to draw from more recent game designs, and you've got a really

No rush: to my great shame I've been advertising my levels here but have been so busy I keep forgetting to check out the levels of my fellow Gamelogorinos!

It's just a vicious and not at all clever design choice!

Was it a New Super Mario Bros. level? Because there's a weird mechanic where if you hit the trigger buttons in mid-air Mario will do a jump-extending twirl.

First look at Majula with fancy lighting: gorgeous.
First look at Iron Keep with fancy lighting: you might break a sweat.
First look at Shaded Woods with fancy lighting: looks really shady!

Haha, I'm thrilled to here you have a level called The Descent! I've been tinkering with a four level cycle called "The Descent" that I bet has a similar concept to yours. I really want to check your levels out, and hopefully will some time next week when my sister's all married and my manuscript's all with the

I keep hearing about this Undertale! First at the top of the thread, and then a few messages ago, and now here! I'm going to have to check it out, but no one is saying what platform it's on and I shouldn't even be commenting right now so I definitely shouldn't go a-Googling.


Tell me more about Undertale… namely, what platform is it for? Your description intrigues, and if I add it to my "to play" list now, I might get to give it a go next summer!

Hey, if you don't want to use a shield, go for it! It can be done! I've beaten Dark Souls II with a dual wielder, a spell fencer (rapier in one hand, staff of amana in the other), and a greatsword wielding barbarian! None of them had much armor on, either!

This weekend I'll be playing… guitar at my sister's wedding. When I have two lectures to plan next week and am the coordinator of a book project that has to deliver a manuscript on the 30th. What I'm saying is that when my sister picked the time and place of her wedding, she definitely wasn't thinking about what's

The first "A" is for "Alphonse Aloysius," the second is for "Alistair Augustus." Try to keep up here, peasant!

Also, is the moonwalk really "infamous"? Seems to me more like it's very "famous." And justifiably so!

Oh my God, why is no one making a gritty Home Alone reboot? MacCaulay Culkin would still be perfect for the role of the crazy, inventive home defender!

There's a top-ranked creator whose name I can't remember (NOT Niramou, obviously!) who had some pretty brilliant levels that remix Mario into Frogger or Donkey Kong. But generally, the cream does not seem to be rising to the top!

Oh, I'm a rolling wizard, so I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon! (In five playthroughs of the Dark Souls games I've only used a shield once!)

Oh, it definitely will! It's a much fuller, better populated game and world when you add in the DLC, put creatures in places that make more story sense, and introduce Aldia.

Yeah, it is a bit frustrating to be playing out of order here, since some of the rough edges bother me in ways they just wouldn't if I was swept up in experiencing Souls-style gameplay for the first time. I've racked up more deaths by doing things that should have worked in regular combat than I have by being