
That is another excellent point: I have no doubt that if Shigeru Miyamoto says "this game is technically ready to release, but I believe we can make it better" he's telling the truth and we're going to get an even better game than we would have as a result of the delay.

Scholar of the First Sin will be a great time! Have you played the original? The remixed level placements do an amazing job of improving the… I don't know the word I'm looking for! They support the lore better! Enemies appear in places that make more sense when you consider what the different areas are and how they

I was pretty happy to hear of the Star Fox delay. In fact, these days it's a relief when anything gets delayed! There's too much to play and not enough time! Maybe now I'll be able to get through all the other 2015 releases Nintendo still has left, and the Bloodborne expansion, and maybe try The Witcher 3

Super Mario Maker (of course) and, somewhat unexpectedly, Demon's Souls.

Who needs soundbites when you've got so much passion for bringing back Morning In America and establishing America as a Shining City on a Hill?

Well, either way it's primarily interesting because there is a major party candidate that is willing to associate with the word "socialism" at all. In terms of his politics and preferred policies, he really isn't any kind of socialist, so much as he's a lefty Democrat with an iconoclastic streak.

"Amid a presidential campaign of stupefying banality, where candidates compete to say the emptiest sentiment in the least insightful way possible"

Oh, it's not an academic journal proper! It's sort of a bridging-the-gap thing where they want to publish serious literary criticism with all the boring academic language stripped out. Make it relevant to a broader audience, that sort of thing!

She is dedicated! Partly, it's because she is determined to romance Iron Bull but also gets swept up in the roleplaying and kept falling in love with the other characters. Partly, it's because she'd rather just watch the Souls games and that pretty much takes care of every game of interest on the PS4 so far!

Thanks! It was pretty exciting to actually get to flex my lit-crit muscles in a way other than drunkenly explaining to friends why, say, The Golden Age of Berserk is a perfect tragedy or whatever.

It was so scary. Such a relief to get out of that tomb and into a big, wet, dimly lit pit filled with giant skeletons and the god of death.

Oh, she knows about off-TV gameplay. And it's generally a fantastic feature!

Having now done it in a sensible way, I have no idea how I possibly managed it and could probably never repeat it! It was a process with a lot of slow steps, mental mapping, and hideous shrieks whenever I discovered a new bone dog.

I'm hoping to conceal the existence of that feature for the weekend so there can at least be some moments where we aren't playing Dragon Age! I keep spontaneously bursting into "The night is long/And the path is dark…"! I am so glad this is the final DLC. I cannot wait for Fallout 4!


Realistically, me and my girlfriend will spend the weekend fighting for control of the TV to decide whether I'm playing Super Mario Maker or she's playing DA:I Trespasser. Should be fun! Maybe if we see eye to eye for a little bit we can finish of Final Fantasy VI.

Man, I love the threaded cane!

Now that I've played both Dark Souls games many times I'm much more aware of how this thing I did that you just reminded me of was kind of crazy:

Yeah, I think when D&D read the Dorne material their thoughts were something along the lines of "this guy is in a wheelchair? And he's sick? WEAK! Okay, skipping ahead… these snake ladies could probably show their tits at some point."

Isn't Gerold Dayne a minor part of a single chapter?