
I think he was saying that you're being a dickhead killjoy? Probably someone has a gimmick account of that name where they act like that?

It became a running joke between me and my girlfriend that at some point in every single level I would suddenly announce "wow, this song is great!"

Older game music isn't necessarily better than new (blanket statements like that almost never work… Dark Souls has better music than Deadly Towers while Final Fantasy 6 has better music than Dragon Age: Origins). That said, the best of old game music is often more memorable than good current music. The limitations of

Wait, after all your excitement for Splatoon you gave away your WiiU?!

The big difference being that those frosted tips were absolutely not the best you could have done with the technology available at the time.

"I'm Jennifer Love Fefferman."

From what I understand, I Wanna Be The Guy isn't about a particular skill level so much as it's just trolling you. How about that I Wanna Be The Guy level in Super Meat Boy, though? Holy mother fuck that thing filled me with a lot of rage. I guess maybe it was worth it for the few seconds of accomplishment I felt

Indeed. We're talking about a guy who is a very prominent advocate for harshly regulating the sexual choices of women and gay people on the grounds that monogamous patriarchal marriage is the only moral way to live. It's genuinely a matter of public interest whether or not someone who wants the state to enforce a

I popped on Himself recently to see if I could stomach it in light of what we now know… I made it until the (very early) part where he starts doing contemptuous impressions of what people on drugs act like.

Splatoon, Final Fantasy VI, and maybe some Chrono Trigger for me!

You know what? You could well be right and maybe Barristan will keep on keeping on!

Unless GRRM is doing strange things with chronology and continuity, we know that Ramsay's letter (if indeed Ramsay wrote the Pink Letter) has to be at least partially untrue, since the preview chapters for Winds of Winter depict Stannis as still alive (and, I believe, alerted to the coming betrayal of the Karstarks).

Assuming that the Boltons do win in the books. I've seen it surmised (and it strikes me as quite possible) that Stannis will defeat the Boltons in the books (and then later have some sort of tragic downfall in the face of the White Walkers), but that D&D have elected to pare down the cast early and will have

Aw, thanks!

We have magic now! We also just saw the story of Terra's parents. Things are getting great!

Rare Replay sounds great, if jarringly and inevitably incomplete.

Your encapsulation is certainly how I feel about questions of appropriation (the key is, what is the artist bringing to the table), but I've always recoiled a bit from Mos/Yasiin's condemnation of Elvis!

I'm pretty well ensconced at the A- level now (albeit not right now, since I just finished a morning of bitter defeats while playing on underperforming teams), but it really takes time to get used to new levels of competitive play!

I once forgot to keep a spare save going in a game of Fallout 2. At the heart of a nuclear power plant run by ghouls, I saved the ghouls and their town by repairing the reactor core. Which caused a glitch where now every ghoul in the town wanted to kill me. Which I didn't noticed until after I had saved (because I

From the very small amount of the Agarest series that I've seen and played, I don't think they're going to be making anyone forget about Fire Emblem any time soon.