
I watched some video of some guy playing crazy arcade Tetris! Was that related to Summer Games Done Quick? If so, that's my highlight! If not, my only brush with it was scrolling (quickly!) past the article to leave my comment! Speed runs are something I can appreciate, but I don't really seek them out.

Yeah, sometimes the splat ratio really captures a person's contribution to the team. Sometimes it just doesn't even come close! I've weaned myself away from feeling like I have to be at the top of that list every time or I'm not helping my team. It's tough, though! All that said, I can understand why it might be

I don't have any sort of optimised procrastination approach. As a result, I am always at high risk of looking up and realizing that I just wasted an entire workday playing Splatoon/watching Netflix/wandering the Internet. In fact, just yesterday I began a policy (we'll see how long it lasts…) of never opening a second

"Since it’s something everyone would really enjoy and would be something valuable to share, I was convinced we had to do it."
—Satoru Iwata

I thought this quote from the interview with Iwata and Itoi posted above really captures the man:

It's a sad, sad day.

To be fair, you're talking about pretty exceptional CEOs and politicians, here!

Laughed aloud at that one.

Nah, it's pretty clear in the books (and even clearer in the show, where they really awkwardly shoehorned in a bunch of backstory exposition in season five to lay the groundwork for the reveal).

Wow, that teaser really made the subtext text, eh?

You know what? That's a real possibility. The biggest contemporary rock star in the world is either Kanye West or Taylor Swift. What an age we live in!

Coming in late here (and commenting on the story that this story is commenting on), but surely Kanye West can at least lay claim to being the greatest contemporary living rock star, if only by acclamation. Who's a bigger rock star than Kanye West and started their performing career post-2000?

Oh, it must depend. I don't want to overshare, but suffice it to say that my sister and I did not share a young relationship based on cooperation, whether reluctant or otherwise! I have no doubt that other people may experience relationships similar to Naia and Naiee's across gender lines.

I don't have a brother in real life, just a few-years-younger sister who came screaming out of the womb and didn't really stop until she was 19 years old. So I didn't really connect emotionally with this game in the same way the author and a lot of others did. Or maybe I should say that I connected emotionally but not

I definitely don't think we'll be seeing Mario cage Diddy Kong and try to sell him to the zoo any time soon!

Great game. Sequel's even better.

Excellent point! On the off chance that anyone at Nintendo is reading this, I am totally open to investing in one of those GC-controller adapters for the sake of playing Super Mario Sunshine on my WiiU.

Part of it is that Mother was all ready to go: a fully translated prototype was produced in the early 1990s, but Nintendo of America decided that it wasn't commercially viable enough to justify a proper release. So, besides the Virtual Console emulator coding and coming up with something to call it besides just

I'm holding out hope for GameCube games on the Virtual Console so I can play Super Mario Sunshine again… probably the only main series Mario game that I haven't put in multiple playthroughs on! And while I don't have a single complaint about either the Galaxy or 3D Land/World directions the series has gone to since

Spell fencers for the win! Not at all an optimised build, but so much damn fun!