
How's Dark Souls 2 treating you these days? Still working on the Gank Squad?

I don't think my feelings about DA:I are quite as negative as yours (I think it's probably the best game in the series even if I've backed away from my initial assessment of it as the "first great game in the series"), but you've really nailed a lot of my complaints.

I hope I never get done with FFVI forever. Got the girlfriend to give it a try recently: we're progressing slowly, but we're just about to meet Banon and have the plot take off!

That point for me was… match two, I believe!

Do as I say, not as I do, and try out all the weapons to see which one you like best! I've already gotten too attached to one gun and am missing out on variety!

I definitely found Bloodborne easier than Dark Souls, but I think that's because I usually play Dark Souls with unoptimised builds that are more similar to a Bloodborne character (no shield, fast weapons, relying on dodge-timing). When Bloodborne came along and insisted I play like that, I was well-prepared.

You're already rediscovering the joys of Splatoon? Your nostalgia cycle is very short!

Nintendo really does great DLC. New Super Luigi, the Pikmin 3 bonus stages, all these magnificent new Mario Kart 8 tracks, etc. Also, From. Artorias of the Abyss fits beautifully into Dark Souls, and the Crowns DLC for the sequel had some of the best area design in the entire series. Bloodborne, which I generally

To be fair, some of that is on Sarah Jessica Parker, who must have said to him at some point, "Sure, hon, I think sideburns are just the thing to distract from your giant combover!"

At the risk of sounding like a fanboy, this is another thing I love about Nintendo: their developers see their goal as coming up with fun experiences and then persuading people to try them, rather than trying to cater to exactly what fans want.

The hatred for this Metroid spinoff! Kotaku did an interview with the director where the interviewer basically repeatedly said "why isn't this a new game main series game starring Samus? DOn't you understand that there has never been a multiplayer co-op shooter set in the Metroid universe before? Apologize for your

I get 100%s on Mario games at a disturbingly fast pace that makes me wonder if it was really worth it to structure my life such that my greatest skill is playing Mario.

It absolutely is worth it as a single-player game. Although multiplayer will extend its replay value (I got 100% on my single player game a couple weeks after it came out, but to this day I have a co-op save with my girlfriend and another with my best friend and they both get chipped away at from time to time).


Dark Souls 3, Fire Emblem Fates, Super Mario Maker, and Star Fox Zero were the most appealing titles showcased for me. That said, I look forward to playing them all when their proper release dates arrive. I don't have time this weekend!

Stannis would have gelded the perpetrators. If any potential punishment can possibly serve as a deterrent to a crime…

AFFC is magnificent.

The showrunners have definitely showed a preference for shock over foreshadowing before with the Red Wedding.

ADWD is the point in the books where you stop thinking "aw man, a Jon chapter!" every time.

I think I picked it up one year later, basically as soon as I learned that there was an RPG set in the modern world. Then I became familiar with the critical response, which really was quite negative.