
The story that perfectly captures John Lennon, to me, is in A Hard Day's Write, the book about the writing of all the Beatles songs.

The guy who makes it acapella but is nonetheless unable to stop Dr. Dre from expressing that he don't smoke weed or cess!

It absolutely is. Mind you, I quite enjoy the comedy of errors that arises when four people try to "cooperate" through a 2D Mario level, but it's nice to have a version where you can actually cooperate. We've had a few pretty epic moments of spontaneous teamwork that have been very rewarding.

At this point, I know most of the game by heart: between the DS remake and Virtual Console (and the fact that in my angsty youth I seized every opportunity to play the game on other people's N64s) I've put in a ton of time on it since. Mario Sunshine probably has the most mystique to me since I've only done one

No Splatoon for me yet, because one of my beloved cats went and got sick. $400 later, she's back in top form, and her wonderful cooperativeness in the administration of eardrops twice a day was a confirmation of our strong trust bond, but it does cut down on the amount of money I can spend on more video games! Getting

Alas, between completing a major furniture rearrangement (legitimately my favourite chore in the world), having a party tomorrow night, giving Don't Starve a crack, and dealing with stupid real world responsibilities, I'm a Tuesday buyer at the earliest. But I am psyched!

Oooh, I can't wait to pick this up! Might be a next week purchase for me, though. Glad to hear it's living up to the hype from the person on these boards who was surely the most hyped for it!

"Sir, I am trying to PREVENT THE APOCALYPSE! I am afraid you will have to kill 10 rats on your own."

Thanks for spreading the word on this Humble Bundle!

Equipment in Dragon Age: Inquisition is just torture. Too much useless loot, too little room in your inventory, too hard to compare items and optimize your gear, and ultimately too pointless because on Normal you're going to do fine if you equip something with a level requirement that's near your actual level and then

I haven't played many open-world games, but I can definitely relate to this idea of open-world anxiety. Long ago in a distant land I was having a great time with Xenoblade Chronicles until I got bogged down doing sidequests. By the time I returned to the main plot, I was so overleveled that I was steamrolling

What gets me is that an Irish accent would work fine for Littlefinger, since his lowly background growing up in a backwater is a major part of his character! So why not just let the man speak in his own voice from the start?

But the Walk of Shame concludes with Cersei being presented with a zombie giant murder servant who has sworn to destroy all her enemies! Cersei is going to be fucking shit up in Winds of Winter!

Yeah, if I could just get any kind of steady job that paid 40K a year I'd be living my dream. As it stands, I'm always splitting my time between 3-4 contract jobs at a time (although I'm down to 2 now that our new government put a premature end to my civil service career!) to scrape together a decent living.

You've already got this going for you: you actually know how to dress to wear a fedora! You don't strike me as a bad looking guy, although you may be benefiting from the contrast with Rahm Emanuel, who always looks like he's been wearing the same suit for a coke-fueled 48 hour work day.

Aw man, I'm really sorry to hear that. If I had some words of wisdom, I'd offer them. I wasn't thrilled with my physique in my youth (I'm average height but with a very slender frame), but I grew up at a time where "scrawny nerd" was not nearly as stigmatized a look as it would have been ten years prior. I guess it

Oh, things are definitely changing. I'd be wildly in favor of the whole fat/body acceptance movement anyway, just because I'm a feminist and I have seen way too many of my female friends (and lovers!), fat or not, tormenting themselves over the way their bodies look, but it's also just fantastic from a wildly horny

Oh yeah, there's a definite undercurrent of "isn't it hot how shamefully gross these girls we're attracted to are?" out there in the world of guys who like bigger girls. It's very, very unpleasant. Not all that surprising, though: clearly there are lots of guys who are attracted to "conventionally" attractive women

Then good luck to you, sir or madam!

Not grinding or obsessing over equipment really slowed down my first playthrough, but you're right: once you know what you're doing (and especially if you have the extensive options a new game+ presents), picking the gear you like and just levelling up when you can is a vastly more entertaining approach.