
Actually, though we had an unusually shitty winter here, Nova Scotia is generally more notable for incredibly erratic weather than particularly cold temperatures. Even this year we didn't really get wintery until February, and a few years back we even had a couple days of 30-degree (remember, I'm Canadian: that's

I know that you dated Lindsay Hollister! haha that was why I specified "your ex crying in a shower." That was a super awkward episode of television to watch with my family as an adolescent, all the more so because it was very much not pitched as a sexy scene. But we took what we could get back in those days!

Paarl is really tough until you realize that when he loses his charge you can basically keep him in non-electrified form if you stay on his ass.

Finishing your thesis is going to feel SO GOOD.

Iron King was my least favourite of the DLC areas, too! And yet, I really enjoyed it; that mostly just reflects how much I enjoyed Shulva and Eleum Loyce.

I didn't check out the demo, but I am superhyped for the main release.

Having the weapons is one big piece. Knowing the game (the maps, the enemies, and, crucially, how the fuck the game actually works) is another big piece. I bet even if you went back to a regular old NG you'd find yourself stomping through the Burg.

Me and milady were having a great time with Guacamelee, but then stopped for a reason I can't recall at the moment. I was a bit underwhelmed by the Metroid-aping elements of the game design, but the combat is just delightfully fluid and enjoyable.

Five total playthroughs of the two Dark Souls games, and I still can't bring myself to attack an NPC, or even fight the two bosses who you need to aggro first. Being a good guy is really limiting my access to the full content!

I can't read your post because it consists entirely of spoilers for a game that you just reminded me I now have the capacity to play (that PS4 already paid for itself with Scholar of the First Sin and Bloodborne, and now this shall be the cherry on top!). But I threw you a like for the reminder. I'm firing this up to

I played a Drow sorceress in a very short-lived D&D campaign. She never got a chance to do anything really evil, but she certainly had some anti-hero moments as we fought our way through the obligatory level one goblin fights.

If we had Rebel Wilson's "I don't give a fuck" character dancing around in a too-tight form fitting outfit, we'd have truly come a long way from the days when your ex-girlfriend crying naked in a shower on Boston Public because she hates herself was the closest thing to a cheesecake shot for guys with our taste in

This guy… this is not my kinda guy.

Great! It was frustrating for me because the first time I cleared the blocks I didn't understand why I cleared the blocks. So when I died and started from the beginning, I was stuck on the damn blocks again! Once I grasped what I was supposed to be doing I think I finished the level off in two or three more attempts.

Almost none of the world state stuff matters at all. There's one scene with King Alistair that I suppose you wouldn't get if you used a world state with Alistair dead, but generally the games make a brilliant refutation of the great man theory of history: they track something like 200 potential differences in the

It's true! I turned 30 a month and a half ago and now my neck is so stiff and I don't understand why!

There's a trick with the Champion's Road ones, where they switch from alternating red/blue to red/red/blue/blue. Somewhere in there, you have to get up to the second set of two, then drop back down to the previous set, and then start climbing up again. Otherwise you're getting to the second set of two too late in the

And if you hear a clicking sound, don't think about it, just mash the roll button!

The Dragon Age games get progressively better. Awakening introduces concepts like colors other than grey and blood splatter and enemies that are at least mildly interesting. Dragon Age II makes the combat less sluggish and has actual appealing environments (although far too few environments).

On the one hand, The Witcher 3 looks gorgeous and I have been holding out hope that they will improve the crummy combat system from the last game.