
BLOODBORNE. And if I can pull myself away for a bit, some Dragon Age: Inquisition.

You should have had him play DA:O first, so he could see what clunky combat really looks like!

Oh, totally. But that doesn't mean it isn't fun to watch Tywin interact with Olenna!

I understood that! I was carrying on as if I was replying to Excitable Misunderstood Genius because it seemed like you had done a great job of encapsulating his position! :)

I suppose, since I wasn't reading the first three for the story (which I already knew more than just the gist of), that probably focused a lot of my reading experience on going "OH! That makes a lot more sense now!"

Thank you for this explanation! Makes sense to me, although I quite enjoyed the novels (which was a surprise to me… I'd planned on enjoying the story by just watching in excellent television show form until the end of last season, when I thought "no, I don't think I will be waiting to find out what happens next!" I

The actors are magnificent, no doubt. But, by and large, they're reciting GRRM's dialogue and acting out his scenes!

I disagree, personally, but for some reason I don't hate you for expressing a contrary opinion!

Yeah, seriously! HOTHOTHOTHOTHOT! You're doing okay, Ricky Coogin!

I alternate 90/10 between pure excitement and apprehension. My two most recent playthroughs were "sharing the game with some girl" playthroughs.

I think that's a valid argument, and if we have to have a "main" character, I think you've hit on the closest we can get to that.



I don't even need to hear that person's case to know that it's wrong! haha


All right, let's have this out:

I also enjoyed being a Chaos Servant, to the point that I willingly let an Egg Carrier infect me just so that Eingyi would warm up to me! The shortcut was great for saving Solaire, but after that I did not have the appetite to fight past the damn respawning Titanite Demon.

Yep, that's what did it to me with the first game! Made it all the way to Lower Blighttown without any FAQ checking beyond the description of "Wanderer" on a wiki to get a sense of what stats I should prioritize. Then my government job got really boring for the summer while all the permanent, full-time employees were

I finished my second Dark Souls playthrough recently, too! Did a lot of the stuff you did. Turning off the sun was amazing, as was killing Gwyndolin. I slaughtered everything in the DLC in a triumphant run right after I figured out how to fight bosses with the Dragon Tooth. Didn't do Kaathe or Dark Lord ending, but

I'm so excited to play through a From game without even the option of glancing at a wiki or a FAQ (by the time I got to Dark Souls II I was only referring to the internet if I felt like I was making a major choice without understanding the implications, but I'm looking forward to just making those choices and living