
If you can get at least four, and ideally five, people in one room to play video games, you'll get your money's worth on Nintendo Land in a single night.

But at the same time (and I'm saying this as a guy who, given the choice, will always load his party with ladies, minorities, and general weirdos), doesn't the fact that they've demonstrated a commitment to diversity give them enough cred to tell a story that focuses on four bros, if that's the story they want to

FFVI is probably the point where the throughline becomes less clear (the other games are also separate universes with shared iconography, but they're shared universes that run on the same "medieval world powered by elemental crystals" framework).

I would love the Diablo-crossbred-with-a-generic-shooter style of the Borderlands games so much more if they had more exploration. Like, instead of just flagging every significant thing on my minimap so that I'm barely paying attention to the increasingly attractive environments, why not let me go wander the moon and

Oh, definitely wait. My girlfriend played the first episode the day it came out. I remember thinking it was great. I don't remember a single other thing about it. And then episode 2 drops. Great.

I installed the latest patch for DS2 and discovered that a glitch has prevented Aldia from appearing in my current playthrough. Which I've taken as an excuse to buy Scholar of the First Sin on my shiny new PS4 when I'm done with Bloodborne!

You'll beat those DLCs eventually, if only due to respawn attrition! They certainly are a significant challenge. For me, Shulva was the hardest, because my build was based around sorcery and a poisoned rapier and all the enemies there are poison-immune and magic resistant!

I might actually play this game someday, after last interacting with the series for Final Fantasy X-2. This weekend, I'll be playing more Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, some Mario Party 10 (because it's my birthday weekend!), and quite possibly 25 hours of Dragon Age Inquisition… on my shiny new PS4!

I've never been able to completely wrap my head around the fact that in the span of a single episode, Futurama derides Weird Al and then turns around and gives Pauly Shore a fairly positive guest spot.

Recently, I've had a few encounters on the Internet with people explaining their issues with women by revealing bizarre, traumatizing personal experiences that sound like descriptions of cuckold porn scenarios.

Oh, come on! Alucard has rebelled against his father's legacy! He's fought against Dracula many times! Cut the guy some slack and let him near your neck, people!

I am honestly quite relieved by the mediocre reviews this game is getting, because I was intrigued but I just do NOT have time for any more games right now!

I'll just pop in here at the bottom of this thread to reiterate my view that it is not at all unreasonable for a man to require five years to write a ~1500 page novel that must maintain thematic and plot continuity with ~7000 pages already published in the series while also setting up a satisfying conclusion.

I'll say! I've watched my girlfriend play for about an hour and she already has more side quests than I can remember being in the entire second game!

Yeah, now that I've played it all out myself this evening (in addition to beating Manus and Kalameet and finishing my latest Dark Souls playthrough—I love Fridays) I'm 100% irritated with the Orsino "arc," if you can call it that. Especially since that wasn't a very compelling boss fight. You're probably right,

Well-intentioned in the sense that they're totally right that they're oppressed and Orsino had been enlisting Hawke to help him put down the renegade factions of mages as well. So while I understand the risks of mages and the problems they pose to the organization of society in the DA world, in the general

I think I could handle that… I have a pretty keen eye. But until I create a character from scratch and commit myself to the idea that I'm roleplaying some sort of evil character, or someone on a quest to exterminate all dragon descendants, I won't be doing that fight. Taergyr the Swamp Heretic would never provoke an

*Cries and collapses into DrFlimFlam's reassuring, Robin Williams-like arms*

And I don't want to help Girard overextend your expectations, but he's right: the endgame is one of the most superlatively affecting experiences I've ever had playing a video game and you should absolutely stick with your playthrough because your life will never be the same again after you experience it. YMMV, of

I'm mildly envious that you're getting to experience Dark Souls 2 for the very first time. Have fun! Try the DLC!