
This comment was significantly more boring and irrelevant than Mohd's.

Continuing a theme, it will be Metroid Prime Trilogy and watching the girlfriend play Dragon Age. Except now I'm on Echoes and she's slain the Archdemon and proceeded to Awakening!

I can't quite recall the exact nature of the solution (I played as Mario), but it's something like this: at a certain point, it's no longer possible to just keep jumping up the block stairs. There just isn't time (I think this is when you start seeing two blues in a row and two pinks). You can make it up the first

I had Corruption and Echoes mixed up in my original post!

Me and my buddies have our own little meta-story for NSMB, which basically revolves around Yellow Toad being an obnoxious dick who everyone else wishes would stop tagging along and fucking up their adventures (I love my friend Robert, but a good Mario team player he is not).

Olimar would probably be the hardest, I agree!

We did play that! And I remember that that joke existed and that I found it funny. But I do not remember the joke itself!

Girlfriend was playing the GoT Telltale game the other night, and it had a great moment where, five seconds after a "Character X will remember that" moment, Character X was killed in a way that the player can not prevent.

I might have been the source, right here in the comments.

1. Final Fantasy VI.
2. Haven't encountered a game that is worthy of being called second best to FFVI.
3. Fire Emblem: Awakening.
4. Grandia 2, mainly for the absurd love triangle.

Kid Icarus is a game that I really, genuinely love. It's also the only game that has ever inspired me to actually throw a controller.

I really need to go back and finish that game. It came along at a point when the gaming time just wasn't happening in my schedule, so indulged a few levels here and there over a few months and then set it aside. But it really was a fascinating game (and a huge influence on the latest iterations of Smash Bros.).

I'm taking a break from working on "Beat All-Star on Hard Mode with All Characters." But back when I was playing it, there was only one character that I cleared it with on the first try. Peach. She's a friggin' beast!

SM3DW unambiguously has better co-op in terms of actually allowing you to cooperate. But I have a soft spot for the NSMB approach of hyper-emphasizing the silent-film slapstick elements of Mario as you and your friends desperately try to complete tricky platform jumping sequences while bouncing off each other and

I think I lost more lives on the Beep Block section of Champion's Way than I did in the entire rest of the game.

Haha, you're so bang on about all the obvious flaws in this game (at least to the extent that I've perceived them while watching my girlfriend play). Baldur's Gate is great and all, but I think I enjoyed standard Western RPG combat better back when it was turn-based and a little more tactical. Especially because the

Well, nothing too exciting to report: I'll be playing Metroid Prime and possibly watching the girlfriend make another run at the Archdemon in DA:O if she's up to it. And replaying Mario 3 some more. And we'll probably play some games tomorrow, but not the kind we talk about in this thread!

The Layton games all follow a very striking narrative formula.

Fire Emblem Awakening is the best tactical RPG I've ever played. Probably the first game I ever ploughed 100 hours into on a first playthrough!

Solidarity on the "too many games" thing. On top of which I once again have too many jobs. And then I had coffee with an artist friend and now I'm trying to sell her on doing a webcomic together. Life is absurd.