
Welcome, friend! Enjoy the metric fuckton of fun you're about to have! I believe you'll find that the WiiU has an excellent library, even if nothing on the console can boast the dust particle rendering capabilities of, say, a KillZone.

BDSM is great! Well, I mean, I guess there are many varieties and probably we'd be disgusted with each other if we got down to details, but still: congrats!

I certainly used the Speed Sail in Wind Waker HD. The most well-implemented example of fast travel that I can think of is in Dark Souls. I really enjoyed the fearsomeness of the world during the large part of the game where you have to walk (and fight) your way to everywhere. But then when you finally get the

Seriously! I'm pushing thirty and am still waiting for this constant state of arousal to subside. I thought 18 was supposed to be my sexual peak!

I don't really have any personal experience writing a beloved fantasy saga to back this statement up, but I definitely think writing the final book in a saga would be easier than writing the second-to-last book. As you say, he has an endgame in mind: my understanding is that his original plan for ASOIAF was a trilogy,

That's the only possible explanation for why a guy could take up to five years to write a thousand-some-odd page book that adheres to all the plotting established in the previous five books in the saga.

I wish it was, if only so I didn't have this god damn studio audience following me everywhere I go.

7GB give or take. I popped an SD card into the back of my WiiU for the occasion.

And all the same people who are outraged at Marshawn Lynch for not talking are outraged at Richard Sherman for talking! It's almost like there's some concern underlying their outrage other than a strong principle about whether athletes should interact with the media…

I don't know if I'd say it's "No Goodfellas," given that the movie is basically exactly Goodfellas with a prick protagonist from a slightly different walk of life.

Our players include:
-a newly married Doctor doing his residency.
-a married father of two who teaches high school and is involved in the local arts scene.
-a lab tech/cross fit enthusiast who works every other weekend in a town that's forty minutes away.
-the lab tech's husband, who is currently back in university to

I'm in a meeting, so I didn't legitimately LOL, but I did at least get a stifled giggle out of New Legend of Zelda.

That is exciting to hear! I'm definitely invested in my watch-through of this series, but the politicking and relationships are a much better hook than the lame villain.

It's still gorgeous. It is not photorealistic like I also remembered it being, but it looks wonderful. Not because of high polygon counts or whatever, but because of excellent art direction (a lesson I wish more AAA developers would pick up on!).

My one Child of Light regret is not persuading my girlfriend that we should play on Hard mode the first time. Lovely game, fantastic battle system, but no challenge whatsoever. Which was extra-unfortunate since both the character-development and crafting systems were really addictive, if ultimately pointless.

They really, really do. Best console FPS(esque) control scheme I've ever encountered.

I love the Prime games. But, to answer your question: honestly, no. The Prime games do a masterful job of recreating the Metroid experience in a first-person, 3D context. Which means that you are going to spend time backtracking, staring at a map considering where secret entrances might be, completing challenging

Open-world games are… not my thing. Yet I'm cautiously optimistic for Xenoblade Chronicles X, where I'm hoping I'll avoid my previous mistake of over-levelling through tedious side-quests and ruining the main game, and the next Zelda, where I'm hoping that the Western game media is being myopic by assuming it's going

Yeah, another benefit of the terrible battery life was that it slightly delayed the speed at which I exhausted the system's catalog!

I have fond memories of getting a Game Gear for Christmas one year and then playing a couple of levels of Sonic before every battery in our home was fully depleted. Fortunately, it was a White Christmas so I went out and played in the snow, which was also fun.