
I've been having a bit better luck with the combat, but it's frustratingly easy to get ambushed and slaughtered in seconds while the clumsy controls don't allow you to react fast enough (or, worse, you accidentally press the L stick and Geralt stops to use his medallion and you die).

Advice appreciated! I really am enjoying the "walk around and talk" aspects of the game. And the forests look lovely.

My friends are thus far making the excellent (for my purposes) choice to marry off but not have kids! So it only takes two successful invitations to get four other adults over to game with myself and my girlfriend. And I generally attract the kind of people who, regardless of their other characteristic and interests,

Do it! Do it! I'm a big WiiU booster. It's really a great console. Great multiplayer, of course, but there are plenty of single-player experiences to be had (Pikmin 3, Mario 3D World, Wonderful 101, ZombiU off the top of my head) and plenty of online fun to be had with the heavy hitters like Mario Kart and Smash Bros.

Even more spoilery (SO DON'T READ THIS!), but I am still kind of baffled that the "play out the loop again and again and fall right into the villain's trap but then win the boss fight" ending is apparently the "good" ending, while the "figure out what's going on and break the cycle" ending is the incomplete one. I've

I share your excitement for Metroid Prime Trilogy. I loved the IR controls for the third game, but never played the trilogy compilation, which I think I heard ports those controls back to the earlier games.

More racing games should just shamelessly ape Micro Machines. Or they should make more Micro Machines games. Or I should go dig up an old system so I can play the older Micro Machines.

That is a fantastic idea. It seems possible that you could make the "second-person" view a lot more imitative of a human's eye movements than in a first-person shooter, since the control scheme would be manipulating a 3D character in a defined three-dimensional environment. Even if you were "looking" at yourself

I am so excited to replay that trilogy at the end of the month.

It's of a kind with the stereotype that all black men are desperate to fuck fat white women. You flip it a little, and HA! a fat white woman can only get laid by black men!

It did feature the only thing Lisa Lampanelli ever said that got a laugh out of me:

I've genuinely seen multiple instances of "ObaFuhrer." In fact, the slobberiest conservative commenters on the internet make a lot of bizarre "portmanteaus" where they affix "Oba" to some sort of slur, without any care for making a pun or anything. "Vi-Queens" is Oscar Wilde by comparison.

I actually think the "it's a great game, buuuuuut" part of Bravely Default is where the narrative gets interesting, even as the gameplay suffers.

I was going to write some recommendations, but here they all are in @disqus_IZiYfShVcK:disqus's post!

I follow my heart, which usually means trying to be a good guy. I've never murdered an NPC. Not even in Dark Souls when I know that an NPC is going to go on to murder another NPC! Generally, I'm not too impressed by morality systems that involve giving you obviously "good" or "evil" options and then scoring you on a

There very well may be (I've seen them all but I sure don't remember most of them!), but I feel pretty confident saying that if there is, it isn't as good as the idealized movie I'm imagining in my head.

Also, back then, my Dad looked exactly like Ned Flanders, although I wouldn't discover this until fourth or fifth grade when I was first allowed to watch the show.

During the phase where I was still forbidden to watch the Simpsons, but was for whatever reason free to listen to Simpsons Sing the Blues (which for some reason my Simpsons-hating parents had purchased for themselves), I said "heck" in reference to one of the tracks and then gasped and immediately apologized to my Dad

I guess it wouldn't be a great idea to drive around Kansas with a bumper sticker that just straight up says "Pardon my deliberate pace, I'm really stoned."

So "The Ledge" would happen first, and then when the big boom comes in "Battlefield" we can see the villain from "The Ledge" come tumbling down due to the shockwave? I like that, although I would have to assume the building would then be evacuated before the guy could get really into it with the endless drain-finger.