
I really enjoyed it, although I certainly wouldn't argue that it isn't fairly predictable. But I found it wickedly funny and the dark ending really left me with a chill. Whereas "The Waldo Moment"'s dark ending seemed to exist for no reason except that, well, it's Black Mirror, it needs a dark ending, right?

Yeah, that's one of the limitations the execution places on a great idea. It makes a LOT of sense that, if Jason finds you and you try to fight him, you will almost always die. However, for that to work as a gameplay mechanic you need to be able to run or hide from Jason (or avoid meeting him in the first place!).

Really, you can't go wrong with the first five episodes and the recent Christmas special. Some of them are very focused satire, while some of them are massively overstuffed with ideas, but they're all great to varying degrees.

Definitely Friday the 13th. It's not a great game, but it's a god damn great idea for a game. Hell, it's even a good idea for a Friday the 13th movie: Camp Crystal Lake actually opens, and the counsellors have to struggle to protect the campers and survive themselves, instead of just wandering about, aimlessly fucking

Step one: don't worry about watching "The Waldo Moment": saw it last night, and it's as bland as everybody says it is!

Oh, I only meant going by a standard where Captain Toad, a game jam-packed with levels but with a somewhat smaller "scope" to the gameplay than the average major Nintendo release, is released for $40. Not in a "this is bargain bin stuff right here" way.

The dream sequences where Shovel Knight imagines Shield Knight falling are way more lyrical than anything I was expecting in a game about a knight who fights with a Shovel.

It's possible they're charging a fun premium, because it's going to be a really fucking fun game!

Fi? I am probably Fi's biggest fan. I love Fi. I thought she was hilarious when I played Skyward Sword and she's badass in Hyrule Warriors. I've never been particularly bothered by the tutorial-esque elements in Zelda games, though.

Keep at it! You can do it! That's a delightful little game.

I think the fact that there are specific ways in which Navi pissed you off, rather than pissing you off by her very existence, actually makes you one of the character's biggest fans.

It's very, very palpably clear, I found, that Bayonetta behaves in an outrageously sexualized manner because she wants to, not because she's trying to impress the men in her world or the boys playing her game.

The Stingray single-person vehicles in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel are the only vehicles in the series that control in an even halfway acceptable way. I let my girlfriend do the driving while I navigate from the gunner seat, because I do not have the patience for this shit!

The real Kirby magic will be next month when Rainbow Curse comes out! I spent a LOT of time back in the distant past playing Canvas Curse, and now my girlfriend can watch how good I am at drawing lines in glorious HD!

Well, sort of. The only open-world game I've spent much time with is Xenoblade Chronicles. I got caught up in completing sidequests (if I'm ever an actual chosen hero who has to save the world, I will have to be very clear on my policy that, no, citizen, I will not be killing ten rats for you) and by the time I

Stick with it! It's a god damn hard fight… by the time I won the Cave of the Dead was emptied out.

My man! Congratulations! I presume that after her Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon was a nice, relaxing break?

I don't see how you could resist. I'm probably going to buy Fire Emblem at some point despite the fact that I have the cartridge somewhere in my apartment!

Have you killed Elana yet?

I had a great time playing Metroid Fusion on the WiiU. It looked like a SNES game when I played on the TV, and the GamePad was basically just like a backlit GBA with a bigger screen (and an annoying menu that pops up whenever you accidentally hit a trigger button).