
It's a crisis of masculinity! haha no, he's living the dream: he has the job he wants, she has the job she wants, they live in a nice house (downpayment courtesy of his forefathers*), and they'll probably retire when they're fifty!

Bill Burr is a weird case for me, where I often laugh at the guy and I can acknowledge his abilities, but his beliefs and opinions, which naturally form the basis of his material, are so stupid and assholeish that I just can't quite handle watching an entire set.

She's got the income, but he's probably still got the wealth!

Red Steel 2 probably would have done a lot better if it was Red Steel 1. I dawdled on picking up the second one based on how bland the first one was!

I was wrong about one thing: in Neptune's Daughter, the film where the song made its public debut, the song is sung by two different pairs. It was Frank Loesser and his wife, singing the song at parties prior to him selling it to MGM, who would trade off roles. The gender reversal thing holds true.

Yep! That's it!

They are really delightful! Watched them with my girlfriend and her friend who had absolutely no knowledge of Pikmin, and they were a hit with all three of us!

I think a pretty important bit of original context that gets left out in a lot of these arguments is that the song doesn't actually specify male and female roles, and in its original appearance the male and female characters sing the song twice and switch roles.

Manga! Although before you start hunting those down you can get the first major story arc in two different anime formats: a one-season series from 1997 and a series of three movies from a couple years ago. Both are excellent and very faithful, although obviously you get a lot more of the fine detail in the series.

Yeah, perhaps it's best described as an obviously great idea that is easily weaponized.

When I beat the Fume Knight it was such a satisfying battle! I fenced the fuck out of him until he finally powered up to Super Sword Fume Knight, and then I just danced away from him and pounded him with every spell I had. It was tougher than it sounds: as you know, he's very fast and has incredible reach, so it

Have you checked out the Pikmin Short Movies?

The way too big maps (Palutena's Temple and The Great Cave Expedition) aren't great for conventional Smash, but they can be fun for 8-player stuff and gameplay experiments. I'm working up to beating a 7-man, level 9-AI team with Ike, and both those levels are the most fun to do it on: lots of space so you can stay on

I can't recall who made that "NSMB2 should have been a Wario game" observation, but they're absolutely right! Maybe that's why it stands out as the weakest of the NSMB games: in addition to the uninspired feeling that the first three games in that series give off, it also squandered a great idea that could have been

It's weird how hard Ubisoft turned on Nintendo when they were actually the only third-party to show up in the vicinity of the launch with games that actually took advantage of the Gamepad. Rayman Legends did a great job with it, and I'm looking forward to trying ZombiU at some point, too.

I cleverly managed to prevent myself from overspending on Amiibos by putting "any Amiibo figurines" on the Christmas list my mother demanded. Can't buy 'em if Mom might already have the same one for me! I definitely look forward to teaching one to fight, and to getting the Link one so I can unlock the spinner in Hyrule

I wonder if Grandpa Arbuckle kept the flowery language going for the part of the letter that gets so raunchy that Grandma wouldn't read it aloud?

Don't let an AV Club hip hop review kill your enthusiasm for an album in advance!

I wouldn't say Apollo Kids was a great album, because it has two songs that I skip every damn time I listen to it ("Drama" and "Handcuffin' Them Hoes").

After the experience of reading the AV Club review of A Better Tomorrow and then listening to the actual album, I was pretty pleased to see this get a C+. I'll probably pick it up this weekend, and I bet it will be a damn fine album.