
Jane Curtin just had a hunch that if she could ride it out long enough she'd get to work with a lovely man like John Lithgow someday.

Do you guys all have shitty weed or something? I've listened to the album a few times now, and it's not bad at all. It's not great, but neither are almost all of the main Wu Tang albums. It's definitely got some great songs and some pretty good songs (and, yes, a song so dogshitty that I can't believe Rae didn't make

Well, I think I can pretty comfortably assert that I now understand the horror of war.

Nope! Season Five was pretty solid: definitely up there with the first season and every episode of the second season save the finale.

Well, I'll be seeing this opening night. I just need to know what it's about!

I played a ton of Super Mario Strikers: Charged! online and you're exactly right. Although the worst were the people who would just stock their entire team with Hammer Bros. and just spam the attack button until your team was dead and then use the special shot to score an instant goal. At least the game didn't offer

I'd also like to give a shoutout to the Pikmin Short Movies. Watched them with the girlfriend and a houseguest recently and they were FANTASTIC! The guest even loved them with absolutely no prior knowledge of Pikmin.

First things first: I can get Tekken Tag Tournament 2 for WiiU?!

Re: Earthbound, all I can say is that I distinctly remember having the same experience as you when I first played as a 12-year old, but now when I play I just cruise right through the game! I have no idea what I did differently, since this is the first playthrough where I'm actually exploring the enormous plethora of

Alas, it is. Which is weird, because they've done a good job of making everything available for digital download right from the start.

If I had an XBox live account, I bet I could tear some shit up in PvP! @Drinking_with_Skeletons:disqus is right, though: that's a mode that's just going to bring out the assholes. During the sweet two-day period where some glitch let me play Dark Souls II online, I focused entirely on being a friendly, helpful guy,

I'm sure some people play Diablo single-player and have fun, but I can't imagine how.

Wonderful 101 is a game that will absolutely reward taking the time to figure out how the hell to play it. I made it embarrassingly far in the game before realizing that drawing the weapons bigger actually made them more effective (that probably should have been obvious). Suddenly, it didn't take 5-10 minutes to beat

My strategy for the final season of Sons so far has been to play the episode on my laptop, minimize it, go about my business, and then bring it back up and rewind a few seconds if it sounds like something's actually happening. So far I've managed to watch the first episode. I looked up about three times for a total of

I've had a ton of fun with Nintendoland, but of course I would fucking say that.

One thing I've found helps for getting people to enjoy Smash is to always play on random (you, I mean, not them!). That way, the natural advantage of having mastered your top 3 favourite characters' movesets or whatever is lost, and the other people have a chance to beat you.

Have you kicked any Nazis in the junk?

Smash Bros., obviously, but also probably some Wii Fit, The Walking Dead, and Tengami.

Slow, deep breaths. Relax your deathgrip on the controller. Picture the ocean. You can do this!

Big Doe Rehab
Bulletproof Wallets
Apollo Kids
More Fish
Pretty Toney