
Recent experience suggests to me that Batman may also just be playing an awful lot of badminton! Seriously, I just started playing weekly with some people from work and I was not expecting it to be nearly as much of a glute-focused workout as it was!

Sounds like we're in a very similar place, gaming-wise! My girlfriend's the Psycho, I'm the Commando. And I'm a spell fencer in Dark Souls 2 NG+ right now.

What, playable Razor Ramon in 90s-era WWF games isn't enough for you people?!

Dark Souls 2, Punch Out! (Wii), and Borderlands 2 in glorious two TV co-op for me!

That line also jumped out to me as a completely absurd thing to say.

On the eventually leaving issue, I think if you're giving them the best performance you can while you work for them, and they're happy enough with it to keep employing you, then you've done right by them and shouldn't feel bad when you eventually do leave, even if they're sad to see you go.

That, alas, I have a bit less insight into: up here in Canada, I've always made the most money by being in grad school (although hopefully this time I'll graduate and start a real career and that won't be true anymore). Tuition less astronomical, lots of student employment opportunities, etc.

Oh, wow. I'm not the person who you directed this question to, but my instinct is to say that there will never be a time in your life where you say to yourself "I'm sure glad I slugged it out in that horrible job that I hated for a few extra weeks before grad school instead of spending all the time I could with my

"It is I! Mary-Kate-and-Ashley Olsen!"

And I'm upvoting it for honesty and reflective self-criticism! :)

Glad to hear it! What control method were you using, out of curiosity?

Oooh, I hadn't even considered the potential benefits of a character who can take more than two hits!

Exactly! Who's to say that dropping a few more billion dollars worth of weapons into a volatile sectarian conflict won't be just the thing to finally create a stable, secular democratic state (or at least a repressive military regime that supports US policy in Israel! Whatever works, right?). Frankly, the only reason

Haha, we shall see! I've decided that when I inevitably do another replay of one of these games, I'm going to literally make my character into Havel the Rock, so I can't just rely on my freakishly good roll-timing reflexes (thanks, Mario and Mega Man!) to overcome challenges!

Yep. This guy knows what's up.

Oh, sure, the US getting back into Iraq sounds like a terrible idea. But have you considered the possibility that this time everything will just work out for some reason?

At least the d4 serves a purpose, though! My least favourite die is the "percentage die," which is just a d10 with zeroes after all the digits. Surely RPGers are savvy enough to just roll two d10s and remember which one represents the tens place!

It will be an interesting experience playing video games this week, now that the art form has been changed forever by the release of the latest generic space marine shooter.

The Flexile Sentry is just a fantastic boss design, from a purely aesthetic standpoint. Even when most of the bosses are large humanoids, From manages to make them look pretty sweet.

I'm trying to figure out a good way to deal with the overpoweringness of two giant black screens looming over us at times when we just want to sit in our living room with guests and talk… about which games to play on our double TV setup.