
Kavanaugh's breakdown always reminds me of Frank Grimes. Except done better, because he's much more accurately diagnosing what Vic's like (Frank Grimes is condemning a Homer whose personality and relation to the world around him is altered for the purpose of the episode, Kavanaugh is telling us exactly what Vic's been

I'm also from Halifax, and while attending a wedding at White Point recently I saw a car in the parking lot with one of those "if you don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them!" bumper stickers.

There is no greater example of the dangers a mob can pose to free speech than when a person airs their views on the internet and then other people respond by criticizing those views.

And where is the self-awareness for these people to realize what an asshole they sound like when expressing these thoughts?

The original Carmen Sandiego game is indeed called Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?" and involves no time travel.

Different colored brims in the PC version! Different colored hat bands in the WiiU version! Different colored trenchcoats in the PS4 version!

1) Everybody above is right, you guys are ridiculous for including ReBoot on this list.

Yeah, I finally located the Undead Purgatory last night, and that guy was a joke! I never even found the lever that apparently kills the rider with a gate. Just tucked myself in an alcove and winnowed him down with arrows over the course of a few minutes. Got him on my first try!

Good Lord. Try not to think about Robin Williams while you're playing.

I feel bad for the Emerald Herald. It seems like her job would be very wearying. Now and then when you bop back to Majula she's sitting down on a rock, and when you talk to her she gets up very, very slowly before she talks to you and I just feel like she's tired. Not that I'm going to murder her so she can get some

I can't bring myself to kill an NPC who isn't attacking me, but I would assume that if you can get the Herald's outfit it's by killing the Herald. But I'd wiki that first if I were you!

Yeah, you really need time to settle in with Metroid. Even with the automap, you're going to need to learn the layouts to some extent if you're going to remember how your new powers can help you get things you saw before but couldn't reach.

Well, it won't be Wonderful 101, because I finally beat it! I really can't recommend this game enough, but let me try: buy this game. Buy it if you like beat-em-ups. Buy it if you like really, really challenging combat. Buy it if you like Power Rangers or Ultraman. Buy it if you like kaiju. Buy it if you just want to

What?! No WiiU version?!?

I'm repeating my own comment from the original article, but the NES Friday the 13th is not only a great idea for a Friday the 13th game, it's a great idea for a Friday the 13th movie.

That's why you play that game in fourteen hour sleepover stretches!

cf. The (so, so much) less successful case of Lee Toric (Donal Logue) on the (so, so much) less successful Sutter-related project Sons of Anarchy.

I hope Franco is taking notes on this comment section.

When you finally take the plunge, you're going to love it: there are SO MANY MARIO GAMES!

Glad to hear it! Sorry if my reply seemed hostile… WiiU boosterism is way more what I was going for than "lashing out at Doctuar." Tone on the internet, man: tricky stuff!