
It's very achievable and I believe that you will achieve it!

Wow, was that your first system update? I haven't encountered a lengthy wait time since the day I got it out of the box. That first wait was brutal, though.

I think part of the issue is that Itoi considers the series complete, and I can't imagine what the point would be in making a game in the series without him.

I should have been more specific: the ending proper is just devastatingly sad. Porky's fate, which is revealed just before the ending, is horrifying.

I guess a second person shooter would be a game where you just watch helplessly while the game shoots you, the player, directly in the face?

As I understand it, the term refers to a game that is co-developed by a first party and a third party. So, Wonderful 101 is a second party title, because Nintendo provided funding and support to Platinum Games to develop it as a WiiU exclusive. It's less a clear category on its own than it is a grey area between 1st

Dammit, Doc was right! I should've used a pseudonym for this…

It gets even worse: I've already given them my god damn cell phone number! Then they say "if you give us a cell number, your account will be more secure."

Yes, no lock-on is an aspect of my approach that I definitely should have mentioned! Never used it once in the original, although it was a great help against the Pursuer in the sequel.

I've met her in my first playthrough attempt, but I haven't hit the Lost Bastille yet in my newer run. Definitely liked her, and she was a great help in defeating the Lost Sinner.

It's definitely not a rowdy shooter! In fact, the Knight is the only character who really gets involved in combat: the player controlling the Wizard or Rogue is mostly tasked with getting out of the way and providing support. And, perhaps more importantly, there's way more exploring and puzzle solving than there is

I'm digging Trine 2 and would thoroughly recommend it. If you have a friend or two who would play with you, so much the better.

Nah, I'm just a totally committed fan. I would never have bothered being such a booster for the Wii, but I really do think the WiiU is a fantastic console.

I managed it solo, although I was playing a Wanderer with a really light equipment load, so our approaches may not match up.

Have you made it past the damnable archers, yet?

I wouldn't go so far as to say "up there with Prime," but I'm in full agreement that it's a thoroughly enjoyable, utterly underrated game.

Join us! And definitely play Wonderful 101. That game is phenomenal.

See what I mean? Doctuar can make his clever and original remark, and that doesn't stop WiiU owners from enjoying a large range of AAA and indie titles from 1st, 2nd, and 3rd parties, which, yes, include Super Mario 3D World and Mario Kart 8, two of the most widely and loudly acclaimed games of the current generation,

If you get stuck on a particular part, don't just keep slamming yourself against it again and again! There are a few paths you can explore right from the start, so you should either go somewhere else and get frustrated by a whole new challenge, or take a break and come back to it with a fresh temper!

I don't know if all the sadness and horror of that ending is something I ever want to re-experience, although I'm eager to recommend the game to anyone who will listen. It's really just a staggering accomplishment of video game storytelling, while staying completely true to the tone of its series.