
People can criticize the WiiU for not having many games all they like, while WiiU owners enjoy a fantastic and varied selection of wonderful games.

I can feel your pain, because I get incredibly pissed off when Apple wants to update QuickTime on my PC for the same reason. And that happens very rarely! Hardware and firmware seems to come much more naturally to the Apple folks than software.

There's not a shadow of a doubt that you'll figure out who's weak against Top Spin.

So, Dark Souls 2. After all my "need a break" talk, it turned out what I really needed was to pick it up and start playing immediately. And then after I got going, clearing out the Last Giant, the Pursuer, the Ruin Sentinels, and the Lost Sinner, my hard drive crashed. So I'm getting going again.

I don't have too much trouble with updates, but lately most of my gaming is on WiiU, which runs updates in the background without you ever having to worry about them. I acquired an XBox 360 when my girlfriend bought a better one for herself, but I've only used it for Dark Souls so there aren't too many.

I always thought of them as just really, really chill. Basic islander stereotypes. When they aren't on a quest to get all their bananas back, they're just chilling in the trees, eating delicious, non-stolen bananas.

I now want a Dark Souls mod to introduce the character Sigmario of Catalina.

Waluigi is just marvelous. My favourite troll-build in Mario Kart 8 is Waluigi in the Tri-Speeder with the Hot Monster tires: just the most obnoxious looking vehicle I can imagine. Then I get inspired to start calling him "Waruigi," and when people look at me funny I douchily announce "I use the proper Japanese

I was struck by the same thing when I watched those special features. You can tell that Whitaker really identifies with the characters he plays. He keeps saying things like "I'm just trying to get a corrupt cop off the streets!"

You totally do! As do I: I broke off playing about a month ago when my summer got busy. But I just beat Dark Souls this afternoon, so maybe I can finally get around to seeing this awesome ending people keep telling me about!

"Suck the milk from my tits/Drink my piss and eat my shit"

Yeah, there's been some really, really good stuff, but not very much of it. I mean, I'm pretty sure WiiU owners finally have the least to complain about with regard to AAA releases, and we've got… DKC:TF and Mario Kart 8.

I think the repetitive third act would have been unambiguously brilliant if breaking the cycle was what gave you the true ending, rather than "slogging through the cycle even after you've figured out that it's a trap."

The whole Florem section was really strange in that regard: half the time I wasn't sure if it was being sexist or critiquing sexism.

My favourite combo for the "showing up your friends while looking ridiculous" is Waluigi in the tri-speeder with the Hot Monster tires. It's just such a perfectly obnoxious combination that I'm sure it's what Waluigi would choose to drive if he became sentient.

I haven't bothered with the true ending for this very reason. It seems like "figure out that your guide is malicious and break the sequence of what the game's telling you to do, preventing a multi-dimensional apocalypse" should be the true ending, not "walk into the villain's trap like a sucker but eke out a victory."

1. I wouldn't go as far as awful, but it does leave something to be desired. Does anybody really like playing as the babies? Hopefully amiibo will address this.

I'm right there with you on loving the aesthetics of Bravely Default. I really loved that game, but I think my favourite part, more than the story or the gameplay and all that, was standing still for a few moments in a town so I could go "oooooh! Ahhhh!" when the camera does a majestic zoom out. Great use of the 3D

I read an interview with Meat Loaf once where he said that he never got the hang of lip syncing convincingly in movie musicals and music videos, so he always just sings along to the guide track at full blast. So yeah, this video is very much just Meat Loaf performing the song like he always would.

"I'm Gonna Love Her for Both of Us" is like "You're Gonna Lose That Girl" on some unholy combination of cocaine, steroids, and the distilled musical theatre dreams of a thousand high school drama nerds. Just beautiful stuff.