
Well, as fast as a throat slit, at least! Assuming they hit the femoral artery, which is what I assume the game would be going for if enemies are neutralized by being stabbed in the leg.

"And leg-stabbings, strangely enough, can cause instant death."

You can probably reuse the "spoiler in the headline" trick to generate discussion a few more times before you see diminishing returns!

A full hour of perfect beats, and about fifteen minutes of solid, non-cringeworthy rapping. I've had great success introducing my girlfriend to hip hop, but 2001 and The Chronic are a hard sell because she can't help but listen to the things these dudes are saying.

Indeed. "The Watcher" stands as a testament to how much more I'd like Eminem if he didn't always perform songs about his own life and interests in his own annoying voice.

When I watch either this show or The Thick of It, there's a part of me that wants to scream at the TV, "There's only a vote once every four years! You don't have to treat every negative news story like its the end of the world!"

I hear it the most in "I'll break your neck/Damn near put your face in your lap" for some reason.

"I'm not a biter, I'm a writer/For myself and others"

Legitimate out loud laughter over here.

Yeah, episode-by-episode reviews of a show you haven't seen the whole of, and especially of a limited run show like this, are utterly unsuited to any sort of serious critical analysis. This is even more true when you're trying to write and publish them as fast as possible after the episode. By and large, I think the

I loved True Detective as it aired, and I can't wait for the second season. That said, I found the final episode heavily underwhelming, to a degree that lessened my enjoyment of the whole.

With the exception of the word "inadvertently," I think this comment perfectly captures how the show recontextualized our understanding of Bill. Turns out he's a good man who's good at the main parts of his job! What a pleasant surprise.

I hope at some point Malvo delivers your comment verbatim to the sheriff's wife while standing in her nursery.

I think I could happily agree to play devil's advocate and praise the tandem reviews at every opportunity if the critics could agree to stop with the trope of praising a scene in a show by coming up with some random way in which it could have been worse/different and attributing that to some unnamed "lesser show."

My ten years of janitorial work (during less than half of which I was a full-on graduate) saw me get more than a few variants on Ben Affleck's speech at the end of Good Will Hunting.

I'm right there with you on "residual anger at the Wii motivating hostility to WiiU," but the "notoriously low attach rate" thing is a bit of a myth: amongst Nintendo hardware, only the GameCube had a higher attach rate.

Reporting on ICP, writing about flop movies, and reviewing celebrity book projects are three areas where I don't think anyone could deny Rabin's expertise.

Adams is the guy who wrote this article. He obviously doesn't know a ton about hip hop, so Rabin certainly knows more than him. But I never really saw any hip hop expertise in Rabin's writing, beyond the fact that the AVClub editors agreed to refer to him as the "AVClub's resident hip hop expert."

This is even later, but I'm a baffled and a bit horrified to see this consensus of anger at Piper for blowing up at Healy. It was obviously not a smart thing to do, but she was, in fact, correct that it was a violation of her civil rights for Healy to put her in solitary confinement because he was mad that she'd

Did you leave out a "…compared to Erik Adams" at the end there?