
The vast majority of shows this season have had female leads, and the few with male leads have largely been utter dreck (e.g. Man Up, Work It, Rob, How To Be A Gentleman).

Happy Endings is finishing its run while the other shows are on repeats so Apartment 23 can take its Modern Family lead-out slot.

Don't Trust The B in Apartment 23 - Pilot mini-review.

The season opened with a Jeff musical daydream. It's slightly different for two reasons: it's "We're doing this, go with it!" rather than a sincere character moment, and the show never pretends it's really happening.

I think Biology 101, Advanced Gay and Foosball are all weak episodes.

Most episodes of Community take mundane ideas to ridiculous lengths for comedic effect. For example, a naked pool match, the blanket fort, the screaming match, a model UN, someone moving house, losing a pen, space simulator.

I disagree that Abed has been painted as a god-like figure. He's just distant and stoic. I actually think it's a bold to paint Abed in a positive light because it's the opposite of what's expected because it's far easier to make him the butt of the joke (see:TBBT)

I love both because they are masterclasses in episodic structure and plotting.

Whoops, wrong thread.

Both scenes are crap conclusions which superficially seem more satisfying than they actually are and make less sense the more that you think about them.

I strongly disagree. In fact, they are my second and third favourite episodes of the season by quite some margin.

Alex Cooley, a new writer. She decided to retweet a few people who weren't so fond of the episode.

You're right, it probably wasn't Glover, rather the underlying problem is that Troy was given line-after-line of clunky wooden out-of-character dramatic exposition.

I decided to rewatch the episode again and explain my dislike in a more clear way.

They have only been executive producers for episodes 2-9 of season 1 and season 3.

I'm not arguing that Community has decayed to the same degree as Scrubs, just that it's following the same pattern.

To restate a comment I made on the previous page: What do Scrubs Season 5-7 and Community Season 3 have in common?

I find the comparison with Scrubs somewhat unfair to Scrubs.

Community pulled 1.8 this time last year.